That is why it is not necessary to give the baby teeth the tooth fairy. The amazing discovery!
When children baby teeth fall out , many parents make a special ritual. To the child was glad tooth changed to a coin and send him the tooth fairy - because all children like such fun ...
Knowing about the latest research on this subject, I'm in no hurry to get rid of more than just fallen milk teeth in children. It turns out that it is a valuable genetic material, which will help to cope with a variety of serious diseases!
Milk teeth deteyVsё the fact that the baby teeth contain stem cells ! These cells can regenerate neurons, bone and cartilage, and some cells of the heart muscle. Modern science allows you to use these cells to recover bodies in the event of illness.
Recent scientific discoveries indicate that it is possible to cure leukemia, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin's disease through the use of stem cells of the child. Previously, these diseases are treated only with bone marrow transplantation or other tissues!
To maintain stem cells must be frozen milk tooth within 48 hours after deposition. In the US and many other countries are common and banks umbilical cord blood stem cells, which can deliver the genetic material of the deposit even at birth. If the baby gets sick, he would be safe - the new technology will take care of his health
. But if there are no funds and the possibility to take advantage of such a bank, you simply need to freeze the tooth and keep it! Who knows, maybe it will save the child's life in the future ...
Tell all this important information if it impressed you the same as me.
Knowing about the latest research on this subject, I'm in no hurry to get rid of more than just fallen milk teeth in children. It turns out that it is a valuable genetic material, which will help to cope with a variety of serious diseases!
Milk teeth deteyVsё the fact that the baby teeth contain stem cells ! These cells can regenerate neurons, bone and cartilage, and some cells of the heart muscle. Modern science allows you to use these cells to recover bodies in the event of illness.
Recent scientific discoveries indicate that it is possible to cure leukemia, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin's disease through the use of stem cells of the child. Previously, these diseases are treated only with bone marrow transplantation or other tissues!
To maintain stem cells must be frozen milk tooth within 48 hours after deposition. In the US and many other countries are common and banks umbilical cord blood stem cells, which can deliver the genetic material of the deposit even at birth. If the baby gets sick, he would be safe - the new technology will take care of his health
. But if there are no funds and the possibility to take advantage of such a bank, you simply need to freeze the tooth and keep it! Who knows, maybe it will save the child's life in the future ...
Tell all this important information if it impressed you the same as me.
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