Make-up, which is doubly enhance your charm: to develop especially in dignity!

Take seriously astrological predictions or not - a purely personal matter. But the fact that each sign of the zodiac circle has its own characteristic features - you can not argue

. Astrologers say that each woman has their own color of success and good luck. < «Website» today to tell, how to be painted to representatives of different zodiac signs , to highlight its natural beauty and features to turn into advantages.

Makeup zodiac sign

stubborn and confident Capricorn astrologers recommend to comply with the measure in makeup. They should refrain from being too flashy colors and stay at the brown-beige or gray palette. Sophisticated features can be emphasized by using highlighter, blush and corrector.


Aquarius better to focus on the eyes, preferring gray-blue and silvery shades. Those born under this sign are often prone to extremes: it applied too much makeup, it perfectly do without it. Lightweight lip gloss, mascara volume and delicate shade of cool colors - perfect


Make gentle, dreamy, romantic Pisces should be as ephemeral. Lips with pink-transparent gloss and eye penciled cool colors will look more mysterious and enigmatic. Make-up in pastel colors give a more refined image of Pisces.


What better way to emphasize the rebellious nature of Aries adventurous than the red lipstick! That's really who accurately you can safely experiment with color. The eye makeup is better to restrict mascara volume and tonal basis chosen, focusing on skin tone.


Creative most Taureans love to care for themselves, and always follow the latest novelties in the world of fashion. They always know how to successfully choose the perfume and choose the right shade of shadow. Gray, purple, green and brown tones help to reveal the best features of their character.


And breathes creativity of this sign! Bright, custom make-up as well as possible will show the many facets of nature inquisitive Gemini.


Emotional Cancers astrologers do not recommend choosing too bright colors. Nyudovy makeup is best suited their sensitive nature. And to give the image of raisins, you can highlight cheekbones blush gentle run-off.


From Lioness and breathes confidence. Underline all by their nature they can, highlighting the eyes smoky makeup. For special occasions golden shadows will be very handy! Lipstick is better to choose low-key colors.


Trim virgins have a sense of taste and measure. They will be very discreet makeup to the face in soft colors. Lightly help illuminate skin highlighter.


Let the strong-willed character of Libra will be reflected in clear classical arrows! Contrast it goes. Representatives of this sign, you can safely experiment with different styles of make-up, but remember that you can highlight one thing: either the eyes or lips


Deep passionate make-up will reflect the temperament of women. Bold color shades, outlined eyes isolated lips - all this makes it extremely attractive Scorpions


Good-natured and optimistic Sagittarius decorate neutral makeup. Glitter in their eyes does not need to be further emphasized. Slightly let down ever and almost untouched lip gloss - that's all you need, because the positive energy of this sign overshadows everything

. There are many tricks and tricks of makeup that can transform a person. However, we must remember that the flashy and vulgar (albeit made the most expensive cosmetics) makeup is not beautify anyone.

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