Transformation Caesar bear, rescued from Chinese farms for the production of bile
Edition Site warning: do not read the article, if you are too painful to respond to cruelty to animals. Some of the photographs presented below may shock, but unfortunately, without them does not. But in the end you expect a wonderful happy ending! Brown bear named Caesar spent the first half of his life in hell. For many years he lived in the bile farm in China. Like other bears, he was placed in a small cage, which has never happened to sunlight, while from an open wound on his stomach through a tube running down the bile from the gall bladder, which is then sold for use in traditional Chinese medicine.
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Caesar wore a metal jacket around the abdomen. Contraption device held in place by a latex catheter that displays the bile in a metal box.
"It's just unimaginable torture" - said the volunteer organization "Animals Asia", removing the vest
"It is evident that the device is very uncomfortable, I remember being about 4 years ago on the bear farm in Tianjin, I saw like, it grew into the animal's skin and it was very difficult to take it off" - written by Jill Robinson, founder of the "Animals Asia".
Fortunately, Caesar was one of the lucky ones who are saved and freed from the terrible belt.
Now, after several years of restoration in Chengdu, a shelter for animals in Asia, Caesar looks completely different! It turned into a happy and strong muscular bear with a beautiful, shiny skin.
The scars he left, but health is quite good, the weight of 271 kg.
He enjoys the sunshine and loves to swim.
China has carried out systematic measures to search and clean-up of clandestine farms that produce bear bile. More and more animals manage to save from the heartless villains.
via pikabu.ru/story/spasenie_medvedya_tsezarya_iz_kitayskoy_fermyi_po_proizvodstvu_zhelchi_4243552
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