Kindergarten and pre-school establishments in Japan, which have plunged us into shock!
you think that shocking kindergartens do not exist? We can assure you that this is not so. The new kindergarten was built recently in Japan, it looks so cool that words can not convey. Kindergarten in the Japanese city of Acuña is located just a few hundred meters from the picturesque coastline. Previously abandoned land has become an ideal place for the construction of pre-school institutions, giving children the opportunity to spend time surrounded by nature.
Proximity to the sea ordered architects in order to raise the security level of the floor in the nursery, there is a group in the middle of the building. The rest of the rooms are designed in different heights and connected by means of 10 stairs, 3 slides and sports equipment. That is, children can climb to the upper floor by stairs or rope, and come down, for example, on a hill. This organization of space stimulates kids, encourages physical activity and interaction.
Visiting this garden brings up the children, and a sense of aesthetics, revision sure Website
via lib.komarovskiy.net/detskij-sad-i-yasli-v-yaponii.html
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