10 films with intrigue Level 80

There are films, during which scared even blink - so interesting, that would be in the next frame. < Website gathered in this selection of stories, intrigues and mysteries which will not let the audience from the first to the last minute.

Brass Hat Films
Sometimes inexplicable feeling of confidence that something bad will happen. Do heroine Sandra Bullock, housewife Linda happens it is a mystical insight, and then confirm it in her husband dies in a car crash. However, the next morning he was again alive, healthy and not suspect anything about the threat hanging over him, and that the only person who can stop the evil fate, it was his wife.
Usual Suspects The Usual Suspects
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Bad Hat Harry Productions
Five petty criminals and brought together with the help of threats made to work on a powerful and unknown customer. They are each other quite trust, and do not cease to torment the question: who hired them, why them and why? The answers seem more than unexpected. Despite the fact that the film suffers from an abundance of events and names, which are easy to get confused, a great script and a brilliant game Kevin Spacey makes this movie a must to view.
Before I Go to Sleep Before I Go to Sleep
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The story of a woman who not only lost her memory, and keeps forgetting each new day. Once opened her eyes after a nap - life begins with a white sheet: it is necessary to know the name of her and her family what she was doing and thousands of less important things. In so doing, it helps stickers and a video diary. We can only guess what secrets locked in her head and what she did not remember about what is happening on the case? Psychological stress Groundhog Day with a wonderful cast.
Paycheck Paycheck

Paramount Pictures
If you're like a hero Ben Affleck, super engineer, performing a secret high-tech orders, then you probably have a tidy sum in the account, and solid memory lapses. Hero Affleck erase the memories of the time when he was working on special projects. He is willing to make a deal when we are talking about months, but he offered to erase three years of life. Agreeing, he even does not know what has happened during the time flown in a jiffy.
Fracture Fracture

Castle Rock Entertainment
Pretty simple at first glance tie: a man killed his wife, came to confess, the lawyer refused. All the facts that he is a murderer - on the face. In the same confident and Ulli, a young assistant district attorney, but only before the takes on the case. Something like this: the culprit is too self-confident and very soon, we understand why. Star-blowing Hopkins Gosling creates a fascinating confrontation in truth.
Dissenting opinion of Minority Report

In the foreseeable future there are special psychic techniques, which are based on a highly predprestupny department built. Its employees can learn about the intent to commit murder, and even prevent the tragedy by arresting the offender, which formally it has not yet become. Once the hero of Tom Cruise, the commander of the department, he gets into a terrible list. And only if he learns about the existence of "special opinion" - that the crime can not be committed
Red Lights Red Lights

Antena 3 Films
A group of scientists, researchers announced on modern witch hunt - homegrown psychics. Everything goes smoothly until the stage is not returned the famous charlatan Silver. Young assistant scientific-razoblachitelnitsy, Tom Buckley is trying to bring the famous magician to clean water. It is so stubborn and convinced that they are right, that turns a blind eye even on the reason for leaving the scene of Silver. It was then mysteriously lost his main critic.
Time Error Time Lapse

Three young friends live normal daily activities and keep warm dreams of something more. But at one point in their lives Courtauld changes when the apartment neighbor scientist they find a strange machine that takes pictures of their living room once a day. The pictures show what happens in this place tomorrow. At first, everything is going well - the event in images pleasing, but then - plunge in horror. The characters there is only one question: the future can be prevented
Trans Trance

Simon - the employee of the auction house in charge of the picture. Together with the bandits, he kidnaps a very expensive now, but here's the problem - after a blow to the head, he does not remember anything about the fate of the painting, which both fell through the floor. The angry mob first attempt of Simon, and then forced to recall all the details of the robbery by a hypno-therapist Elizabeth, who introduces him into a trance. This is confusing, exciting all the attention the story of the game of "cat and mouse", hypnosis and an open ending.
Passion Passion

This somewhat arthouse remake of the French "Crimes of Love" at first completely addictive, and then leaves a long aftertaste and a lot of food for thought. Two strong women after the public humiliation of one of them stand on the warpath, and they do so with a truly French in style and elegance. Soul mates, who, ironically, came together in a duel - their history can not leave the viewer indifferent. Rooney Mara with Rachel McAdams very natural and bright look in this tragic battle.
On the preview frame from the film "Trans», Cloud Eight Filmson
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