10 of the most important facts about eggs from Roskontrolya
Site publishes an article with Roskontrolya site, which tells than white eggs differ from brown, any of them can be called a dietary and whether cholesterol in eggs is especially dangerous. < 1. Eggs are useful and nutritious. The average egg contains 80 calories. By calories is equivalent to a medium-sized apple, half a banana, 100 grams of beef tongue or chicken legs. In addition, eggs contain valuable vitamins, minerals and protein. Eating eggs food not only provides energy, but also has a positive effect on the condition of hair, eyes and body.
< 2. Cholesterol in eggs is not as dangerous as one might think - it is contained only in the yolk lecithin and balanced (a substance also contained in the eggs and cholesterol and helps to process fats)
3.. There are raw eggs dangerous. Delicious eggnog may bring unpleasant consequences in the form of salmonellosis. Dangerous bacterium frequently found in raw eggs and killed by heat treatment. It is also important to thoroughly wash the eggs and avoid contact with germs from the surface of the shell to the egg mass.
< 4. The average laying hen brings about 250 - 300 eggs per year to carry an egg she needs about a day
5... White eggs are as useful as brown. Contrary to popular myth of exclusive benefits and taste of brown eggs in comparison with whites, the latter is not worse. The only difference is the breed of chickens that carry the most eggs. The color of the shell depends on the suit hens - eggs have pockmarked brown and beige, and white hens lay white eggs. Yolk color depends on the diet of chicken.
6. Japan - the world leader in the consumption of chicken eggs. On average, every citizen daily eats one egg.
< 7. Dietary eggs healthier dining. The classification of eggs by dietary and cutlery depends on their freshness. Dietary considered eggs stored at a positive temperature of not more than 7 days after laying. Dining can be stored up to 25 days. Dietary, in turn, are divided on the choice (65 grams) and eggs I (at least 55 grams) and II (at least 45 grams) categories.
< 8. Eggs should not be stored near strong-smelling products. Due to the porous shell are easy to absorb odors.
< 9. The longer the egg is heat-treated, the harder it is to digest. hard-boiled egg is digested by the body for about three hours. That is why the hard-boiled eggs is better not to eat before going to bed.
< 10. To determine the freshness of eggs can be put it in a bowl with cold water. The fresher the egg, the smaller size of its air chamber, then the egg will sink. At the same time, stale egg will float to the surface of the egg is not advisable to eat.
via roscontrol.com/community/article/chiem-otlichaiutsia-korichnievyie-iaitsa-ot-bielykh-i-ieshchie-9-faktov-o-iaitsakh-1/
< 2. Cholesterol in eggs is not as dangerous as one might think - it is contained only in the yolk lecithin and balanced (a substance also contained in the eggs and cholesterol and helps to process fats)
3.. There are raw eggs dangerous. Delicious eggnog may bring unpleasant consequences in the form of salmonellosis. Dangerous bacterium frequently found in raw eggs and killed by heat treatment. It is also important to thoroughly wash the eggs and avoid contact with germs from the surface of the shell to the egg mass.
< 4. The average laying hen brings about 250 - 300 eggs per year to carry an egg she needs about a day
5... White eggs are as useful as brown. Contrary to popular myth of exclusive benefits and taste of brown eggs in comparison with whites, the latter is not worse. The only difference is the breed of chickens that carry the most eggs. The color of the shell depends on the suit hens - eggs have pockmarked brown and beige, and white hens lay white eggs. Yolk color depends on the diet of chicken.

6. Japan - the world leader in the consumption of chicken eggs. On average, every citizen daily eats one egg.
< 7. Dietary eggs healthier dining. The classification of eggs by dietary and cutlery depends on their freshness. Dietary considered eggs stored at a positive temperature of not more than 7 days after laying. Dining can be stored up to 25 days. Dietary, in turn, are divided on the choice (65 grams) and eggs I (at least 55 grams) and II (at least 45 grams) categories.
< 8. Eggs should not be stored near strong-smelling products. Due to the porous shell are easy to absorb odors.
< 9. The longer the egg is heat-treated, the harder it is to digest. hard-boiled egg is digested by the body for about three hours. That is why the hard-boiled eggs is better not to eat before going to bed.
< 10. To determine the freshness of eggs can be put it in a bowl with cold water. The fresher the egg, the smaller size of its air chamber, then the egg will sink. At the same time, stale egg will float to the surface of the egg is not advisable to eat.
via roscontrol.com/community/article/chiem-otlichaiutsia-korichnievyie-iaitsa-ot-bielykh-i-ieshchie-9-faktov-o-iaitsakh-1/