Where grow angry aunt

What do you think, where they appear - of indeterminate age, in curlers, dressing gowns and with a rolling pin in his hand? The ones that can be seen a mile away, even if they are wrapped tightly in the hole and move in space on doroguschih jeep.
Mink coat not hide. < This type can not be confused with the other.
They are eternally dissatisfied. And they are very, very important to prove that we are better. What exactly? Yes all! That is why they are terribly fond of lecturing. And loudly argue and insist on. Learned? Of course, each syschetsya so familiar. So where do they come from, can attend any courses in secret? Or have they a woman Order omniscient? Or is it a virus?
In the light of these, of course, are not born.
< Young Angels circling around the yard in rosy dresses, how do you know which one of you is not destined to become a butterfly? Now you all have in common a general fantasy as soon as the girl grows up, it comes to personal Prince
. - Hello, mother! Reported to me, your daughter has grown up. Lead is more likely, at the entrance of the horse's hoof beats, the carriage is waiting. It is time to her palace. Printsesska chair tired of waiting.
The servants in embroidered clothes dragging luggage to blow the copper pipe and spread a long carpet of red velvet.
The girl is dressed in short dresses the Infanta in a long, luxuriant and special, takes the arm of Prince Personal and proudly striding into a new life.
What? Something like those at Disney beauties. < It is a good, good and majestic, even a casual glance it is a pleasure to catch. They (the Prince), of course, the rich, but this is not important. They enjoy life and life - it. The world around is painted bright nightingale warbling sound, and all can not be happy.
Certainly not from these gentle fairies appear quarrelsome aunt. Perhaps of little gangsters in boyish clothes, with slingshots in his belt? That's not true! Those, too, dream of princes and cartoon life. Well, or travel on a big ship with its own roasted in the sun like-minded prince
Maybe there is a chance each That's imagine:. Increasing the future princess, grows, and nothing changes. Other and princes and heirs, and half the kingdom, and then nothing at all! Horizon clean and serene.
Grown-up girl sad, lonely and very disappointing. And then she gets accustomed: and princes Do others? But not at all! The one leg too short and freckles on her nose, this gown is not, and in fact, and all the horse apples! Laughter and only. Unless there is a prince? Why, they do not exist. Children's stupidity. And the rest are composed. Simple they all guys, not heir to the throne. And life is not some kind of Disney, but quite ordinary.
Discover the truth and went to teach others, to not wait, time is not wasted. Do not listen? Shout necessary. What here decency, tea, not in a palace ...
In his free time training others need the time to jump to marry, so as to status. And so my mother did not scold. It is possible that too for Personal Prince, but she knows it is unlikely, because the girl a long time ago do not believe in fairy tales.
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