Techy zodiac sign
How do I know how touchy man? It's simple! It is enough to know his zodiac sign and look at this list!
We take offense at people when their behavior does not meet our expectations. Sometimes our grievances are valid, but they often arise because of a trifle. As a rule, the nature of resentment for the person working on attracting attention as a psychological defense and for internal and real benefits.
How do I know how touchy man?
It's simple! Suffice it to know the sign of the zodiac, and look at this list!
It is unclear what you have managed to offend this lovely creation, but if you hurt him, you immediately forgive. One time - on the door twice - on rail. Aries are reasonably high degree of anger (with the exception of those who learned to control his emotions), but they are quick and calm. They are not evil. They then you may even regret. And to bring to the hospital oranges and flowers. Or simply - the flowers, but to the grave.
Taurus would be better not to anger. No, once you are on the horns do not rise. First, they will resent you. With the reading of the long monologues on "how bad - you hurt the poor little, and certainly completely innocent of Taurus." And you just sit there and listen to that nagging, good, I say it will be exclusively for you, for educational purposes. And so Taurus will get you a long time to utter. And remember all of your shit, and again in the thousand and first time say that you are behaving badly. And then kaaaak napoddadut hoof or horn! Everything is useless to hide, you just destroyed. For the patience of Taurus impressive, but, alas, is not infinite.
Quarreled with them only quite unexpectedly. And for them, too. Because they do not know when Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde, who does not like the whole world. But a quarrel with the Twins are fast development and unlikely physical abuse. Most likely, you simply mix with dirt on his words. And then just forget about you.
Cancers are easily offended and hurt them easily, too sharply they perceive the world around us. Offended Cancer cunning, vindictive and still - sentimental. He can forgive you even. But ask forgiveness must be very sincere, not forgetting to prove how much you love razobizhennogo. However, if the crabs have decided to take revenge, then there really will not be envied. Sophisticated and malicious revenge overtake you without fail.
If you hurt Leo, you're probably underestimated him and nedohvalili. And Lions like to have the full attention of the audience. And they are very offended show. May ignore you as unworthy of communication and may ryknut in lions, arranging the abuser is very serious trouble. Do not forget, these guys can be quite influential. Praise them. They have something to praise, and they genuinely thrive on the tumbled down. And, maybe, all right. Maybe you even ask, and take under the protection of a lion.
You have offended the Virgin? Write a will. Virgin is very difficult to really hurt, but if someone did it ... the Virgin, in fact, not angry, not even vindictive. They can almost immediately forget what offended. But all offenders are usually written in all sorts of black and hit list, so to avenge you still will. Revenge is a sophisticated and brutal, and you're unlikely to be able to prove that it tried to Virgo. Nothing personal there will not be, but the place, like any enterprise, like the Virgin exercise maximum quality.
The balance is not revenge, they simply do not know how much to do. But the offense, as children, and love pozakatyvat scandals. And long may put pressure on the nerves of the offender, his whole appearance indicating how bad the offender. Can, by the way, and the public to notify the "bad people." Gossip - the most terrible revenge on Libra. To the scales should come and apologize. And you just simply because it can not stand to be with someone in a quarrel - this in Libra inner world loses harmony.
Will you not have time to write: to convey the condolences to their relatives. You not only forgive, but will you take revenge so excitedly and passionately that you'd better not be born at all. Scorpios are very vindictive, and easy enough to hurt them, because they are very impressionable and sensitive. By the way, Scorpios can often try to arrange the offender physical violence. Even if you do not climb into the fray, then certainly you order the killer will always be welcome. They can simply just very close to humans, but it will be forgiven completely any crime.
Sagittarius difficult to offend, they are not vindictive. They are peaceful, but always act in a big way, characteristic sign of fire. And, if you are offended, wait for the scale of the scandal. Yes, this would be better if you brought the Scorpion, he would have just killed mercifully. Archers will take revenge mentally. They tortured you so that you will want to go and hang themselves. However, we can and forgiveness. Just do what is expected of you Sagittarians. Or pretend you good broom, squalid they regret.
Capricorn can hurt, but it's hard. Most likely, a dislike arise because criticized the work of Capricorn, or even due to the fact that you managed to prevent his business. Capricorn Any interference will be eliminated and thoroughly businesslike. But if you just offended Capricorn criticism, try to reasonably explain to him that criticized solely out of a desire to help in hard work and ready to spread further, so that he, darling, reach Zen Perfection. They will appreciate your concern and just. Sooner or later, one way or another.
Aquarius can offend rejection of their ideas. Offended Aquarius you simply throw, even scandals will not. He just thinks that you - a complete jerk, begin to doubt in your mental abilities, reassess the situation in view of emerging factors and leave. There, where there are people who can understand his brilliant ideas, from where not obtained any kind of snobs offenders. Find Aquarius and apologize, ideas these guys may be strange, but often effective and profitable.
You hurt Pisces? Look at them. See how they, the poor suffer, and all because of you! You still do not feel ashamed? Yes, you - the monster, my friend! Pisces is easy to offend, but they are good, that is likely to forgive you. In addition, they understand that the anger wrinkles, premature aging and only they themselves are not willing exactly. At the same time, having forgiven you, they put you scoundrel, and themselves - the angels. And they are, at heart, like this idea. By the way, greatly offended Fish can avenge monstrous gossip tremendous destructive power.

We take offense at people when their behavior does not meet our expectations. Sometimes our grievances are valid, but they often arise because of a trifle. As a rule, the nature of resentment for the person working on attracting attention as a psychological defense and for internal and real benefits.
How do I know how touchy man?
It's simple! Suffice it to know the sign of the zodiac, and look at this list!
It is unclear what you have managed to offend this lovely creation, but if you hurt him, you immediately forgive. One time - on the door twice - on rail. Aries are reasonably high degree of anger (with the exception of those who learned to control his emotions), but they are quick and calm. They are not evil. They then you may even regret. And to bring to the hospital oranges and flowers. Or simply - the flowers, but to the grave.
Taurus would be better not to anger. No, once you are on the horns do not rise. First, they will resent you. With the reading of the long monologues on "how bad - you hurt the poor little, and certainly completely innocent of Taurus." And you just sit there and listen to that nagging, good, I say it will be exclusively for you, for educational purposes. And so Taurus will get you a long time to utter. And remember all of your shit, and again in the thousand and first time say that you are behaving badly. And then kaaaak napoddadut hoof or horn! Everything is useless to hide, you just destroyed. For the patience of Taurus impressive, but, alas, is not infinite.
Quarreled with them only quite unexpectedly. And for them, too. Because they do not know when Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde, who does not like the whole world. But a quarrel with the Twins are fast development and unlikely physical abuse. Most likely, you simply mix with dirt on his words. And then just forget about you.
Cancers are easily offended and hurt them easily, too sharply they perceive the world around us. Offended Cancer cunning, vindictive and still - sentimental. He can forgive you even. But ask forgiveness must be very sincere, not forgetting to prove how much you love razobizhennogo. However, if the crabs have decided to take revenge, then there really will not be envied. Sophisticated and malicious revenge overtake you without fail.
If you hurt Leo, you're probably underestimated him and nedohvalili. And Lions like to have the full attention of the audience. And they are very offended show. May ignore you as unworthy of communication and may ryknut in lions, arranging the abuser is very serious trouble. Do not forget, these guys can be quite influential. Praise them. They have something to praise, and they genuinely thrive on the tumbled down. And, maybe, all right. Maybe you even ask, and take under the protection of a lion.
You have offended the Virgin? Write a will. Virgin is very difficult to really hurt, but if someone did it ... the Virgin, in fact, not angry, not even vindictive. They can almost immediately forget what offended. But all offenders are usually written in all sorts of black and hit list, so to avenge you still will. Revenge is a sophisticated and brutal, and you're unlikely to be able to prove that it tried to Virgo. Nothing personal there will not be, but the place, like any enterprise, like the Virgin exercise maximum quality.
The balance is not revenge, they simply do not know how much to do. But the offense, as children, and love pozakatyvat scandals. And long may put pressure on the nerves of the offender, his whole appearance indicating how bad the offender. Can, by the way, and the public to notify the "bad people." Gossip - the most terrible revenge on Libra. To the scales should come and apologize. And you just simply because it can not stand to be with someone in a quarrel - this in Libra inner world loses harmony.
Will you not have time to write: to convey the condolences to their relatives. You not only forgive, but will you take revenge so excitedly and passionately that you'd better not be born at all. Scorpios are very vindictive, and easy enough to hurt them, because they are very impressionable and sensitive. By the way, Scorpios can often try to arrange the offender physical violence. Even if you do not climb into the fray, then certainly you order the killer will always be welcome. They can simply just very close to humans, but it will be forgiven completely any crime.
Sagittarius difficult to offend, they are not vindictive. They are peaceful, but always act in a big way, characteristic sign of fire. And, if you are offended, wait for the scale of the scandal. Yes, this would be better if you brought the Scorpion, he would have just killed mercifully. Archers will take revenge mentally. They tortured you so that you will want to go and hang themselves. However, we can and forgiveness. Just do what is expected of you Sagittarians. Or pretend you good broom, squalid they regret.
Capricorn can hurt, but it's hard. Most likely, a dislike arise because criticized the work of Capricorn, or even due to the fact that you managed to prevent his business. Capricorn Any interference will be eliminated and thoroughly businesslike. But if you just offended Capricorn criticism, try to reasonably explain to him that criticized solely out of a desire to help in hard work and ready to spread further, so that he, darling, reach Zen Perfection. They will appreciate your concern and just. Sooner or later, one way or another.
Aquarius can offend rejection of their ideas. Offended Aquarius you simply throw, even scandals will not. He just thinks that you - a complete jerk, begin to doubt in your mental abilities, reassess the situation in view of emerging factors and leave. There, where there are people who can understand his brilliant ideas, from where not obtained any kind of snobs offenders. Find Aquarius and apologize, ideas these guys may be strange, but often effective and profitable.
You hurt Pisces? Look at them. See how they, the poor suffer, and all because of you! You still do not feel ashamed? Yes, you - the monster, my friend! Pisces is easy to offend, but they are good, that is likely to forgive you. In addition, they understand that the anger wrinkles, premature aging and only they themselves are not willing exactly. At the same time, having forgiven you, they put you scoundrel, and themselves - the angels. And they are, at heart, like this idea. By the way, greatly offended Fish can avenge monstrous gossip tremendous destructive power.