Blue-eyed celebrities with brown eyes almost unrecognizable!
Do editors Buzzfeed arose fun idea: what if a celebrity with blond, blue-eyed brown-eyed steel? As far as they would to face? Revision Website has come to the conclusion that many represented brown color adds a list of mystery, and some, on the contrary, makes it more friendly. What do you think?
1. Cameron Dias
2. Zach Efron
3. Vanessa Uilyams
4. Jake Dzhillenhol
5. Taylor Svift
6. Jesse Uilyams
7. Zoe Deshanel
8. Chris Hemsvort
9. Aishwarya Ray
10. Michael Ili
11. Angelina Dzholi
12. Daniel Redkliff
See also: 12 pairs of our Hollywood stars and, strikingly similar to each other
via www.buzzfeed.com/lorynbrantz/blue-eyed-celebs-with-brown-eyes-are-almost-unreco?utm_term=.map6NEMzB#.xa36EPJox
1. Cameron Dias

2. Zach Efron

3. Vanessa Uilyams

4. Jake Dzhillenhol

5. Taylor Svift

6. Jesse Uilyams

7. Zoe Deshanel

8. Chris Hemsvort

9. Aishwarya Ray

10. Michael Ili

11. Angelina Dzholi

12. Daniel Redkliff

See also: 12 pairs of our Hollywood stars and, strikingly similar to each other
via www.buzzfeed.com/lorynbrantz/blue-eyed-celebs-with-brown-eyes-are-almost-unreco?utm_term=.map6NEMzB#.xa36EPJox
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