10 useful tips to parents how to protect the child from danger

Mom and Dad, I talk to you for three minutes, and it's very, very important.
During 2014-2015, I spent at least hundreds of safety training, a minimum of 2000-3000 children told me about how they think the offender and that they would do in case of danger.
I will share the conclusions based on accurate statistics:
9 out of 10 children 7-9 years old do not know by heart the number of parents phone. Think about what could happen if your child will stay in the street without your mobile phone?
< 19 of 20 children of all ages spend polite aunt to the nearest store, help an elderly uncle to inform kitten machine , bag.
At the same time 10 of the 10 primary school students are ready to be written in the "old" and forties. A seniors' need help ».
Approximately half of children 10-14 years old are confident that can easily recognize a criminal street (dressed in black, eerie, "strange looks" unnatural smiles slyly, lures sweet, untidy man, like a tramp or a criminal).
At least half of the children will run in case of danger to the staircase, somewhere, "where you can hide».
All the children feel that they can trust "familiar to adults', including neighbors, friends of parents - all the people, whom they had once seen
19 of 20 children all. ages definitely go somewhere to anyone who calls them by name, and hesitate to loudly shout: "Help! I do not know this man! »
This is only part of a very grim statistics
This criminal -. B> not suspicious. B If ye all about n - not the most suspicious of passers-by. This is a polite, well-dressed man, perhaps a woman or a pretty neat little old man. B>
Our task - to make sure that our children do not succumb to provocations, not sat in someone else's car, we know how to react in case of danger, and most importantly - frankly told us about everything that happens to them beyond parental control borders.
Golden rules of safety Give positive instead of negative setup, raise self-esteem of the child instead of "nothing ever take in a stranger" say. "Always ask me, if someone offers you food, toy or somewhere would call, promise? »
Instead of "you get lost, you fool," say, "I trust you, you're doing great." Praised for detail. < Replace instruction and intimidation game. We have to show the example of the most simple situation. It was shown, but not described. How to answer the phone. What can I say, when the doorbell rang. How to answer "no». Let's find the safest places on the way to school. Show me where you run to, if to you will start to stick a stranger? How many of these people seem to you suspicious, and who, on the contrary, love and inspires confidence care, but also the ability to assess the world around us in terms of security. < Repeat, who of familiar adult you can trust. to tell children that no outsider should not touch them, kiss and caress. Post this information is as follows: "Every person has their own private space in which is allowed to enter only the closest. Your loved ones - it's your family. " < We talk on "difficult" topics. Most parents do not want to talk to children about kidnapping, fraud, and even more so about the possibility of sexual abuse. This is mistake. The simpler, safer and more honest we are talking with children about such difficult things, the more confidence we have them call. < We provide the first independence. Walking, travel on public transport, meeting friends. It is a painful experience for us, the parents. But teach a child to be independent, we bring him confidence and responsibility. < show weakness. need to be friends with the child. And friends share including and not the most laudable. You can tell the children about his mistake, failure, defeat, because the child will still see our strengths and weaknesses. In this case, to difficult adolescence, have the feeling of friendly trust between you. < Observe agreement. You do not need to scold the child for being late when he warned. Set a rule: if you just ask for permission, warning, most likely, you'll get what you want. But if you cheated - followed by sanctions deserved. It is important to convey to the child the idea that the main thing - do not prohibit, and be confident in the possibility of honest agreement. Dear parents, we can not make our kids never was safe. But we can do much to ensure that in case of danger, they do not just know how to do the right thing, but also know how to do it without confusion and doubt.
Based on the book of the psychologist Leah Ball: "Stop threat. security Children »
"If you notice a suspicious person": a fatal mistake parents "
Photos on the preview: Olga Dimenshtein
via www.adme.ru/contest/photo2014/works/parenthood/83910/
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