
1833 - Patented soda. "Invented" barbed-effervescent water has been nearly half a century before, but it just so happens (weird, huh?), Which documented these things cornerstone for the present invention beverage industry was somehow too busy.
And not before the opener was. And they became mnogostanochnik Joseph Priestley - he was a theologian, philosopher, knew a dozen languages, including Greek, Syriac, Chaldean, Hebrew, and was not averse to engage in chemistry. Moreover, as regards the chemistry just was a scientist very successful and authoritative - proved the process of photosynthesis, I discovered that graphite is very conductor with regards to volatile substances - the discovery of oxygen and "laughing gas" - his hands and head case
. Well, with soda happened to some extent random and funny. Watched somehow Priestley brewery at work (the usual case for England - the beer is brewed, the scientists observed, all the way through) and greatly interested in it bubbles, which is released during fermentation. Installed at the request of the containers with water vats of cooking with beer for trapping an unknown gas. Gas turned carbon, but suddenly a sharp taste of the water is very pleased with the scientist. I suppose that if the day before Priestley took a sip of the extra pint of beer, it pleased him doubly Vodicka. Whatever it was, he personally rolled up the first bottle of soda in 1767. A patented this discovery was after the death of the scientist

The commercial is to use this discovery became the first Coca-Cola. They are in this respect at all handsome men were - from the history of buying prescription
By the way, there was even a proposal to make April 24 the Day of soda - produced some of its now worldwide by different brands really nemeryannom