Shocking facts about modern machines from a professional mechanic

There is a long-standing theory that the farther away, the less quality goods manufacturers produce. Competition has led to the fact that companies are forced to constantly produce new products - but to better demand is highly desirable that the things that were released a bit earlier, quickly came into disrepair. Consumers, that is, we with you guess it, but can not imagine how far can this situation. Today Website publish revelations professional mechanic who had seen a lot of modern cars and can no longer remain silent. Word of the author.
I'm working on multi-brand service. The bulk of the cars coming refers to the two most common autoconcerns:
Approximately 40% of our customers go on the VAG (Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Porsche, Bentley) concern machines; li > Another 30% percent - a group of Ford / Mazda / Volvo. Although the Volvo stand slightly apart, by and large, it's the same Ford.
For him I have more than just statistics, there are other brands. I am more and more convinced with every year that there is something like a conspiracy of these corporations. No, I not paranoid, and not a supporter of conspiracy theories. Yes, probably, you have already been contacted. I just want to express their opinion on the matter.
I've got observation: the old machines, made about the middle of the nineties, come to us, mainly for maintenance. This is true in general of any machines of all brands, especially Japanese, especially right-handed. From time to time they change the worn suspension components and brakes, but this is normal and does not cause any surprise and indignation. So it should be.
Surprise and indignation begins to ripen in my heart, when I look, what's going on with the new machines. The owners of the majority of machines, designed after the mid-nineties, lay out for the maintenance and repair much more than owners of old cars. And this is not because we are taking more money for the work, and for the following reasons:
to repair modern cars have to more often, and replaced many parts more difficult. For example, it is necessary to remove the subframe, to change the stabilizer bushings. In terms of ease of maintenance - magical nonsense. But to make it special. Spare parts are much more expensive, because many are not sold in parts, and only unit in the collection. In Jette, for example, in the original directory of the front stabilizer bushings at all detaliruyutsya not and are not sold separately from the stub. Again magical nonsense, specifically to cut down more than attendants. No, of course, Russian savvy and are not pumped up for a long time and found a substitute, but fact is fact. As a result, the price tag on the service most machines is growing rapidly.
< br> Most of the parts and components of modern cars made taking into account the programmed early wear and failure. And the machine with the structural point of view, is designed in such a way as to complicate the mechanics of the replacement of these parts, and therefore, increase the cost of
Here's an example, not to be unfounded:.
< br> LED turn signal, gabaritki, bulbs license plate light and interior. You say beautiful? Beautiful, but the item is changed only as a whole, separate bulbs do not happen; replacement bulbs on many modern cars (Citroen / Peugeot, Ssang Yong of what first comes to mind) with the removal of the bumper (if front) or with the analysis of the passenger compartment (if behind); detaliruemaya not separately track rod on many Nissans. Originally sold only in complete with rack. Thank God, at least does not change in the collection; the mass air flow sensors, sold only together with the pipe (price more than three times); drive shafts, which can not be dismantled, and that sold only in the collection; ICE units, which are sold only in conjunction with a piston and a bunch of little things; inserts, sold only in conjunction with the crankshaft; fordovskie engines for which there are no repair parts such as liners, piston rings, and so on; the front lower arms, which in the original are only the assembly, and for which no original ball and silent blocks; hub bearing assembly with the hub or even a brake disc (Peugeot / Citroen, rear drive); non-removable (destructible when removed) ABS sensors; fuel filter assembly with molded fuel pump, and replace it with the need to disassemble the cabin. Further more. Changing all this mess only with the throttle valve, which in turn varies with the intake manifold. I do not want to ride a Skoda, and you?
Now grown up a whole generation of people who think it's normal to change the fuel pump assembly or the front lever assembly. Many smart people bring a ton of arguments in defense of this position familiar to them: "Why, why is pressed into non-genuine silent arm, the same will not be pre-assembled, it will be worse" - they say
. Lever - this piece of iron. If this piece of iron worn one Hob, why change the very piece of iron, if a ball, and a second Hob alive and well?
"Why change the fine filter separately from the pump? They have approximately the same lifetime! "- Echoed they that hear the dealer staff. Of course, they have the same life span, it is programmed. And he, this time, by the way, is smaller than you think. And itching to completely remake the fuel systems on many machines, golly, go back to the old, separate reliable pump with a filter mesh tank filter and hanging on the outside of the tank ...
Examples of so many, are one . All modern cars - disposable, made of g *** a and sticks and wrapped in a beautiful foil with LEDs. They are programmed to fall apart into dust under the plan at the expiration of the warranty period. May start to fall apart before, but this will be decided by the guarantee.
You say, what do you do?
Old car too hard to maintain, especially those that have long been gone from the conveyor. No matter how simple and reliable they are, it takes its time.
I drew attention to the simple statistics: all the VAG, all the Ford, all Frenchmen come to us often lay out a decent amount for repairs and spare parts. Dai, I think, look who comes to us rarely
From premium brands -.. Mercedes BMW and Audi have long turned to the feeders, sucking money from the purses at a breakneck pace. Mers is not so, as it turned out. Firstly, it is almost no non-original parts, except consumables. This is something about what speaks to me. Second, they really rarely repaired. Many people pass 250-300 thousand with no major replacements, performing only what is necessary under the regulations, and that the wear (pads, suspension). I recently changed the 360 000 km on the S-Classe pump, flowed. On the C-Classe open recently changed a couple of sensors. Over the next six months, that's all. Nothing else made global.
It is clear that Meares is not everyone can afford. I was looking for something simpler, and drew attention to the Hyundai / KIA. It's amazing, but everything is the same as with the Mercy especially on SUVs and big cars. Yes, on Solaris and Rio are schools, but what I like about these Koreans - it's old principles for spare parts. Well, there is no such delusions that drive change in the collection, or the throttle body to the manifold instead of a single gear.
The chip Hёnde clear and readable. They want to grab them the right part of the market, after which they begin to behave the same as the rest.
You may have already begun, as they have over the past few years it's been two updates lineups. Perhaps the new machines do have the new rules, just to us, they have not yet sunk as they are still under warranty.
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