
1147 - The first mention of Moscow. As a rule, if there is no precise indication of the date of foundation of the city, for such, take the first mention of it. Since Moscow is just the so - Suzdal Prince Yury Dolgoruky summoned to a meeting in the "Mosquito" his ally Svyatoslav II of Kiev, which kicked out of Novgorod-Seversky. Yuri in Moscow was a temporary residence, there was a meeting, by which Yuri was recorded in the founding of Moscow, whom no yavlyaetsya.Prozvische their prince earned not for anthropometric characteristics, and for the ability to rake up for all that is bad. However, that it lays well, could also fall into the possession of his son Vladimir Monomakh.
By the way, about the time version Moscow basis and its initiators today are vast.
On the one hand, the Russian archaeologists say that the excavations in the city revealed the existence of a wooden bridge of the 10th century.
On the other hand, some historians argue vehemently that the first census of the Golden Horde (1237-1238 year) and second (1254-1259 years) Moscow was not mentioned. And it was founded in 1272 by order of Khan ...
1909 - Tel Aviv Base. Unlike Moscow date Spring Hill base is known precisely. He was not originally planned as a town, and was built as a suburb of Jaffa and called Ahuzat Bait. A year later, at a general meeting of the inhabitants of the quarter it was decided to rename in Tel Aviv. Quarter grew into a city in which Jews were settled, he moved to Mandatory Palestine. If in the beginning there were many immigrants from Poland and Russia, and then, in the 30s, after Hitler came to power, there were many Jews from Germany. That German School architects were created at home, which are recognized today architectural monuments and through which Tel Aviv is listed in the cultural heritage of the UNESCO as "White City". But the goal, which was set at the time - creating massive low-cost housing ...
In April 1950 it was created administrative formation of Tel Aviv - Jaffa. Today, Tel Aviv - an economic center of the country.
The Mediterranean coast to the north of Tel Aviv on the 50 km (up to Hadera) - is a solid urban development. The coast south of Tel Aviv is also a continuous urban development, which initially called Jaffa, then Bat Yam and further Rishon Lezion.