25+ nominees for Best First Man Title of the village
Yes, in the villages live a completely different kind of people: they are more open in their feelings, not stingy with emotions, straightforward and sincere! But he stands out among all of them - the one who has the full right to bear the title "The first guy in the village." Top contenders for the title we have compiled in this post.
Sit down, baby, my personal driver to take us wherever you want! B>
Let's go urban parrot ...
Krutota this photo rolls
Well, now Lenka certainly not deny
The first guy must be a grandmother! B>
«I blinded him from what was»
City need to know about your status! B>
alpha male! Smoke on the sidelines, suckers! B>
Do not care that grimy - but sincere
Coach rustic Fitness Club
Let's go, let's go with the garage keep up, papa 'Victory »...
You have passed away, males! Tёlochki all my will! B>
Bogdan Susik №2 20,147,477
Right now sing
Amulet +10 charisma
Only the first guy is so jammed! B>
From the flash so as not to blink, I pulled ochechi
Farming svinarri, whisk in a second! B>
«hunting for heifers" mode on
Judging by the number of accordions, grandfather repeatedly held the title of the first guy in the village!
So you think, whether to eat nectar village then ...
Combine, tractor drivers, porters watermelon trucks - these guys are not fools dream of glamorous :)
We all know who the boss is in the village? B>
Oh, walk, bosota! B>
As guys, not cool, and the first guy - yet he
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Sit down, baby, my personal driver to take us wherever you want! B>

Let's go urban parrot ...

Krutota this photo rolls

Well, now Lenka certainly not deny

The first guy must be a grandmother! B>

«I blinded him from what was»

City need to know about your status! B>
alpha male! Smoke on the sidelines, suckers! B>

Do not care that grimy - but sincere

Coach rustic Fitness Club

Let's go, let's go with the garage keep up, papa 'Victory »...

You have passed away, males! Tёlochki all my will! B>

Bogdan Susik №2 20,147,477

Right now sing

Amulet +10 charisma

Only the first guy is so jammed! B>

From the flash so as not to blink, I pulled ochechi

Farming svinarri, whisk in a second! B>

«hunting for heifers" mode on

Judging by the number of accordions, grandfather repeatedly held the title of the first guy in the village!

So you think, whether to eat nectar village then ...

Combine, tractor drivers, porters watermelon trucks - these guys are not fools dream of glamorous :)

We all know who the boss is in the village? B>
Oh, walk, bosota! B>

As guys, not cool, and the first guy - yet he

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15 most ruthless animal attack on the person, remove the camera
8 shocking example of what people came for the sake of "beauty"