Why I moved from the metropolis to the countryside
Ten years have passed since that bright moment when, after many doubts and feelings my wife and children made a daring escape from St. Petersburg to the village for permanent residence. Today, the years look like one day, and the choice seems self-evident. Can't even imagine what it would be with us, we will stay in the city meant so much to us and changed the impulse to reorganize all over again.
With a smile we are considering family pictures of those years and remember the first steps and samples on the village grounds. Whatever you say, our brother, citizen, hard to "put on the brake"... Prepublished fresh milk and frowns: cow smell! Shop from bundles is white-wet and nothing more. And next time I'll go swim in the river, and — for you! — Tina, algae, tadpoles swim in the water. Phew... Now to Egypt, to the hotel pool with a tiled bottom and gentle water a bright blue color. The trouble is that with chemicals, but pure and civilized.
To enjoy the pleasures of scenery, a well-known business from the comfort of the car. Because the slightly open glass gadflies swarm. "The grass on the belt" the more — solid Thriller. To think of it, this grass can be...
And we and our children, of course, from his own experience passed: may beetles, mice, stinging nettle, the neighbor's dog brazen, mosquito bites, spit not mowing, to store away, the stove smokes and does not ignite. Difficult and full of vicissitudes of the life of Robinson Crusoe on a desert island...
However, our young family was actively added, and responsible parental mind demanded to give them the best, most correct and most environmentally friendly. Warm half of the year we hosted in a village house, and in the winter returned to St. Petersburg.
It's been three years of this nomadic life, we began to notice that sending to the village waiting, like a Nightingale of summer, while autumn and a return transfer to the city are psychologically heavier and heavier. Cramped conditions of the flat, muddy climate, jostling in transport, regular childhood diseases — there isn't much to tell about the disadvantages known to the average inhabitant of the metropolis, and especially burdened with a family. "Low ceilings and narrow walls of the soul and mind closely," as Dostoevsky wrote, also a resident of St. Petersburg.
Like the boy who pulls long before the first time jump from the high Bank into the water, crouches, shakes hands, and then, eyes closed, flying headlong down — plop! so my wife and I one day decided to walk — was not was! — transfer and spend the winter in the village. It turned out not so bad. Our first winter was sterner than usual, but the house was warm and cozy. The kids rejoiced in the snow and skating on a sled, I at that time has long passed for freelance work, journalism, editing, etc. a Spouse, as a young scientist, PhD and Professor in a permanent pregnancy and maternity leave, actively self-educated via the Internet.
Career is not particularly attracted to, because the previous time I, who was not only only did. Interesting things in the world set, organize — a matter of discipline, and to perform the duties of the proteins in an office wheel and to feel needed and busy, in my personal opinion and taste not thirty-five were men with experience, was not necessary.
It was difficult at first? Oh, that's hard. A priest who we asked for a blessing, with doubt looked at us: "And endure? Over the summer, in the village of the shirt on the body from working sweat sopreyut". But we undertook the cultivation of large areas and the first animals acquired too late. We do not intend to become farmers, and continued to live quite urban interests. Even the number on the machine has not been changed, keeping as banner, the proud "78".
The problem was, rather, other psychological compatibility, the difference of the rhythms of the capital with the province. Well, skills is also not enough, of course. The one who went from village to city in the first generation longs for. Visiting small home, he experiences a burst of energy and a feeling of freedom, fresh air of the fields, sweetly listens to the voices of local residents, happily familiar from childhood work. We grew up on the asphalt, breathing gasoline fumes and, as usual, in the hands of the hammer is not held.
Local residents, mostly elderly people, were greeted with suspicion. Local resident — he what we need? The first thing he needs to understand who you are and what you're doing here, and to break it down into familiar categories. Moving from the capital to the province, frankly, is not the most common case nowadays. If from here to the capital, it would be clear...
We made sure to engage children in the village more convenient and easier than in the city. Children in the village:
a) never bored (just do not realize about the difference between a normal life and recreation),
b) I love nature,
C) read a lot,
d) listening to audio books,
d) do not tolerate pop, chanson, rap,
e) play mothers and daughters, relay races, a snow fortress and in the rest of the human game,
g) glue, cut, draw and build,
h) sing war songs and know the heroes of the great Patriotic better than their parents
and) put theatrical performances and film it on video
K) making music
l) speak correct Russian language
m) well, and learn externally.
The benefit in the Internet era, and DVD the village ceased to be a place separated from the culture and knowledge.
Can I ask you a question: "what about communication, leisure?" — and you're right. Communication and entertainment our family is not enough and not enough. They are not enough in St. Petersburg, where the youth friendly campaign somehow podrasteryal, landed in the lane household and personal problems; lack of communication and in the village. Isolation is a plague on our world and I honestly don't know what to do against it.
In this case, judge for yourself what kind of entertainment, when in the hands of you the same age, smaller than the other? Life inevitably itself was rebuilt and flowed according to the principle "my house — my fortress". And rightly so, it is wonderful! Family in the life of modern man should be more, not less. People dependent it is useful to begin to rely only on themselves.
The so-called problem of family relations — boredom, they are easily resolved where there are passionate about a common cause. Therefore, family radicalism — it's great! Home beginnings forever! Want to be happy, be. Get all what you want, fun at home, and nothing does not deny. O-Le-OLE-OLE!..
So gradually socialized Gorozhanka our thoughts began to tune into the informal alternative "wave". Here you, the reader, will come up with where to send the surplus of creative energy and imagination of the household? For sure, buy my new surroundings in the nursery, change the Windows with plastic, well at the very least, plan on moving to a new address. In any case, it would be: expensive, not with their hands and within a strict "ranking" of urban redevelopment. In the village, their personal economy you can dig a pond, to cut trim, to try to plant the most unusual plants to arrange their own children's village, to conduct the water to the house, etc. While no one will ever say about your pond: "crap", trim and in the absence of great skill will look great.
Country estate — a great designer, and you're your own master, supervisor and user. At first it's scary to think about how to become a setter. But no, at the end of the heating season in my head already moving and not give rest to different ideas: what and where in the masonry of the furnace is improved and developed. Not enough living space — not a problem, put the extension to the house. To expand to fifteen square meters is not too difficult: time, desire, and seventy thousand roubles into the bargain (in other words, five thousand for "square"). For comparison, in addition to one extra room will require: a) headache, b) hypertension, C) dozens of scandals with relatives and, finally, g) the long-awaited, after a hard struggle won the debt burden for many years.
In your village, so to speak, "mentality" is finally changing so that the wife in birthday instead of some delicate items or equipment requests the home garden cart, and children more than anything my dream is to feed the chickens with the rabbits. Vacation with a trip somewhere under palm trees seems a absurd thing, "Well, where are we going, and why? What about our family honey farm and flowerbeds?"
Comes the turn of the agricultural thematic communities and delight, almost child-like, from the various cunning of the diggers, planters, Pollock, coreloc, drinkers and mowers. Especially now includes a new system of permaculture, which does not require hard work. You have animals, go for potatoes at the store seem sad, cucumbers recognizes only those from the garden. You begin to feel that the city let you go, he's somewhere far, far away. You and your family become the people of the earth.
Whether you offer a career, you get up there with the sharpness of the theme of education, medicine and other convenient "options" civilization — all issues will be resolved "in process" in the order received. Most importantly — understand that the experiment was a success. In the village you're born again, you belong here, and thus the umbilical cord that attached you to the universe.published
Author: Andrew Rogozinski
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ecology.md
With a smile we are considering family pictures of those years and remember the first steps and samples on the village grounds. Whatever you say, our brother, citizen, hard to "put on the brake"... Prepublished fresh milk and frowns: cow smell! Shop from bundles is white-wet and nothing more. And next time I'll go swim in the river, and — for you! — Tina, algae, tadpoles swim in the water. Phew... Now to Egypt, to the hotel pool with a tiled bottom and gentle water a bright blue color. The trouble is that with chemicals, but pure and civilized.

To enjoy the pleasures of scenery, a well-known business from the comfort of the car. Because the slightly open glass gadflies swarm. "The grass on the belt" the more — solid Thriller. To think of it, this grass can be...
And we and our children, of course, from his own experience passed: may beetles, mice, stinging nettle, the neighbor's dog brazen, mosquito bites, spit not mowing, to store away, the stove smokes and does not ignite. Difficult and full of vicissitudes of the life of Robinson Crusoe on a desert island...
However, our young family was actively added, and responsible parental mind demanded to give them the best, most correct and most environmentally friendly. Warm half of the year we hosted in a village house, and in the winter returned to St. Petersburg.
It's been three years of this nomadic life, we began to notice that sending to the village waiting, like a Nightingale of summer, while autumn and a return transfer to the city are psychologically heavier and heavier. Cramped conditions of the flat, muddy climate, jostling in transport, regular childhood diseases — there isn't much to tell about the disadvantages known to the average inhabitant of the metropolis, and especially burdened with a family. "Low ceilings and narrow walls of the soul and mind closely," as Dostoevsky wrote, also a resident of St. Petersburg.
Like the boy who pulls long before the first time jump from the high Bank into the water, crouches, shakes hands, and then, eyes closed, flying headlong down — plop! so my wife and I one day decided to walk — was not was! — transfer and spend the winter in the village. It turned out not so bad. Our first winter was sterner than usual, but the house was warm and cozy. The kids rejoiced in the snow and skating on a sled, I at that time has long passed for freelance work, journalism, editing, etc. a Spouse, as a young scientist, PhD and Professor in a permanent pregnancy and maternity leave, actively self-educated via the Internet.
Career is not particularly attracted to, because the previous time I, who was not only only did. Interesting things in the world set, organize — a matter of discipline, and to perform the duties of the proteins in an office wheel and to feel needed and busy, in my personal opinion and taste not thirty-five were men with experience, was not necessary.
It was difficult at first? Oh, that's hard. A priest who we asked for a blessing, with doubt looked at us: "And endure? Over the summer, in the village of the shirt on the body from working sweat sopreyut". But we undertook the cultivation of large areas and the first animals acquired too late. We do not intend to become farmers, and continued to live quite urban interests. Even the number on the machine has not been changed, keeping as banner, the proud "78".
The problem was, rather, other psychological compatibility, the difference of the rhythms of the capital with the province. Well, skills is also not enough, of course. The one who went from village to city in the first generation longs for. Visiting small home, he experiences a burst of energy and a feeling of freedom, fresh air of the fields, sweetly listens to the voices of local residents, happily familiar from childhood work. We grew up on the asphalt, breathing gasoline fumes and, as usual, in the hands of the hammer is not held.
Local residents, mostly elderly people, were greeted with suspicion. Local resident — he what we need? The first thing he needs to understand who you are and what you're doing here, and to break it down into familiar categories. Moving from the capital to the province, frankly, is not the most common case nowadays. If from here to the capital, it would be clear...
We made sure to engage children in the village more convenient and easier than in the city. Children in the village:
a) never bored (just do not realize about the difference between a normal life and recreation),
b) I love nature,
C) read a lot,
d) listening to audio books,
d) do not tolerate pop, chanson, rap,
e) play mothers and daughters, relay races, a snow fortress and in the rest of the human game,
g) glue, cut, draw and build,
h) sing war songs and know the heroes of the great Patriotic better than their parents
and) put theatrical performances and film it on video
K) making music
l) speak correct Russian language
m) well, and learn externally.
The benefit in the Internet era, and DVD the village ceased to be a place separated from the culture and knowledge.
Can I ask you a question: "what about communication, leisure?" — and you're right. Communication and entertainment our family is not enough and not enough. They are not enough in St. Petersburg, where the youth friendly campaign somehow podrasteryal, landed in the lane household and personal problems; lack of communication and in the village. Isolation is a plague on our world and I honestly don't know what to do against it.
In this case, judge for yourself what kind of entertainment, when in the hands of you the same age, smaller than the other? Life inevitably itself was rebuilt and flowed according to the principle "my house — my fortress". And rightly so, it is wonderful! Family in the life of modern man should be more, not less. People dependent it is useful to begin to rely only on themselves.
The so-called problem of family relations — boredom, they are easily resolved where there are passionate about a common cause. Therefore, family radicalism — it's great! Home beginnings forever! Want to be happy, be. Get all what you want, fun at home, and nothing does not deny. O-Le-OLE-OLE!..

So gradually socialized Gorozhanka our thoughts began to tune into the informal alternative "wave". Here you, the reader, will come up with where to send the surplus of creative energy and imagination of the household? For sure, buy my new surroundings in the nursery, change the Windows with plastic, well at the very least, plan on moving to a new address. In any case, it would be: expensive, not with their hands and within a strict "ranking" of urban redevelopment. In the village, their personal economy you can dig a pond, to cut trim, to try to plant the most unusual plants to arrange their own children's village, to conduct the water to the house, etc. While no one will ever say about your pond: "crap", trim and in the absence of great skill will look great.
Country estate — a great designer, and you're your own master, supervisor and user. At first it's scary to think about how to become a setter. But no, at the end of the heating season in my head already moving and not give rest to different ideas: what and where in the masonry of the furnace is improved and developed. Not enough living space — not a problem, put the extension to the house. To expand to fifteen square meters is not too difficult: time, desire, and seventy thousand roubles into the bargain (in other words, five thousand for "square"). For comparison, in addition to one extra room will require: a) headache, b) hypertension, C) dozens of scandals with relatives and, finally, g) the long-awaited, after a hard struggle won the debt burden for many years.

In your village, so to speak, "mentality" is finally changing so that the wife in birthday instead of some delicate items or equipment requests the home garden cart, and children more than anything my dream is to feed the chickens with the rabbits. Vacation with a trip somewhere under palm trees seems a absurd thing, "Well, where are we going, and why? What about our family honey farm and flowerbeds?"
Comes the turn of the agricultural thematic communities and delight, almost child-like, from the various cunning of the diggers, planters, Pollock, coreloc, drinkers and mowers. Especially now includes a new system of permaculture, which does not require hard work. You have animals, go for potatoes at the store seem sad, cucumbers recognizes only those from the garden. You begin to feel that the city let you go, he's somewhere far, far away. You and your family become the people of the earth.
Whether you offer a career, you get up there with the sharpness of the theme of education, medicine and other convenient "options" civilization — all issues will be resolved "in process" in the order received. Most importantly — understand that the experiment was a success. In the village you're born again, you belong here, and thus the umbilical cord that attached you to the universe.published
Author: Andrew Rogozinski
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ecology.md