Village life — the benefits of failure from the metropolis
In different parts of the world a huge number of people lives in villages. With the modern development of the Internet you don't have to look for a job there. And advantages in comparison with metropolis will be a lot.
NPR talks about the benefits of failure from the metropolis.
In the villages, especially in Caribbean or Asian, has its own problems. It is impossible to find a doctor five minutes from home, and hospitals and did have problems. You will not be able to give the child to an advanced school. Clean water may have to leave the house. But rural life has its invaluable benefits.
Psychologist Susan Pinker, author of the bestselling book "The Village Effect: How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier," says that the ideal village — so, where lives no more than 150 people, the population of which has not changed for many years. Such villages is full in hot, poor countries.
The main effect of the village
This helps to ensure that you will set many personal contacts in real life. People in big cities are often lonely, but in the village you will always have a static circle. With many of their neighbors in the village with a benevolent atmosphere, you will see several times a day. You will walk in a local café (believe me, in many villages it is), the post office, to the store. And all the people you will see in fact are your neighbors.
In this era of social networking it may sound unexpected or silly, but it makes no sense to keep always connected online the whole world. Much nicer just to chat with people live. No reason at all.
Why 150 people — perfect size for the village
150 is a number which wanders from one social study to another. It is known that what an ordinary person, if he is not a genius Communicator, can keep in your circle. A greater number of people simply don't have the time.
In traditional hunter-gatherer societies or in an English country village, the people send 150 Christmas cards each year. These are the people with whom you have a strong enough connection to you could ask them for $10 to pay.
Why 150 village boys are more important than 150 friends on Facebook.
Not all social links are equally useful and effective. Evolutionary psychologist from Oxford, Robin Dunbar utverjdaet that 150 is the maximum number of social relationships that the human brain is able to manage. From experience we know that we have really not many people we can invite you to visit, to call them simply, without a case, or support someone in times of illness.
In the village, in contrast to social networks, companionship develops in a natural way, due to the fact that people often overlap with each other. Contact occurs face-to-face, not in the form of likes and shares.
On whose support you'd expect: their 700 friends on Facebook or 150 people, which I see almost every day? Social ties formed in social networks is very fragile and unreliable. It's like comparing the Mama's soup or lasagna prepared by his wife with a McDonald's.
Why is this all so important?
If you are a member of a cohesive community of people you can count on a helping hand from people of all ages and social statuses. And it's not that this is the path for losers: every person, no matter how successful or rich he was, needs to feel that he belongs to some group of "their" people.
Research in neuroscience shows that if you are lonely or isolated from other people, it will be de facto your death sentence. In the village of the threat of loneliness no.
When you see a nice people face to face, happen interesting biological things: oxytocin and neurotransmitters reduce stress, allow you to trust the source, relax. We can get another person with signs of stress to feel good. And this is a big benefit for health and General happiness.
However, studies also tell us that the people have never in history were so isolated from each other as it is now. The reason is rapid urbanization.
Who lives in the village, that not lucky?
In General, organize your village can and the city. You can clean in the evenings, the snow in the yard along with the neighbors. Unable to communicate with them in the Elevator. You can chat with colleagues in the office personally, and not to permanently scatter bunches of emails. You can meet friends and not chat with them. For your child, you can find a school with a bad oborudovniya, but good teachers.
You need to realize that digital communication will never replace real encounters with each other. I urge you to throw out all the gadgets and go to Tibet to meditate. I don't romantisize village life. You have to use the word as a metaphor: try to establish a deep personal contacts with other people. It works.
Source: /users/1077

NPR talks about the benefits of failure from the metropolis.
In the villages, especially in Caribbean or Asian, has its own problems. It is impossible to find a doctor five minutes from home, and hospitals and did have problems. You will not be able to give the child to an advanced school. Clean water may have to leave the house. But rural life has its invaluable benefits.
Psychologist Susan Pinker, author of the bestselling book "The Village Effect: How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier," says that the ideal village — so, where lives no more than 150 people, the population of which has not changed for many years. Such villages is full in hot, poor countries.
The main effect of the village
This helps to ensure that you will set many personal contacts in real life. People in big cities are often lonely, but in the village you will always have a static circle. With many of their neighbors in the village with a benevolent atmosphere, you will see several times a day. You will walk in a local café (believe me, in many villages it is), the post office, to the store. And all the people you will see in fact are your neighbors.
In this era of social networking it may sound unexpected or silly, but it makes no sense to keep always connected online the whole world. Much nicer just to chat with people live. No reason at all.
Why 150 people — perfect size for the village
150 is a number which wanders from one social study to another. It is known that what an ordinary person, if he is not a genius Communicator, can keep in your circle. A greater number of people simply don't have the time.
In traditional hunter-gatherer societies or in an English country village, the people send 150 Christmas cards each year. These are the people with whom you have a strong enough connection to you could ask them for $10 to pay.
Why 150 village boys are more important than 150 friends on Facebook.
Not all social links are equally useful and effective. Evolutionary psychologist from Oxford, Robin Dunbar utverjdaet that 150 is the maximum number of social relationships that the human brain is able to manage. From experience we know that we have really not many people we can invite you to visit, to call them simply, without a case, or support someone in times of illness.
In the village, in contrast to social networks, companionship develops in a natural way, due to the fact that people often overlap with each other. Contact occurs face-to-face, not in the form of likes and shares.
On whose support you'd expect: their 700 friends on Facebook or 150 people, which I see almost every day? Social ties formed in social networks is very fragile and unreliable. It's like comparing the Mama's soup or lasagna prepared by his wife with a McDonald's.
Why is this all so important?
If you are a member of a cohesive community of people you can count on a helping hand from people of all ages and social statuses. And it's not that this is the path for losers: every person, no matter how successful or rich he was, needs to feel that he belongs to some group of "their" people.
Research in neuroscience shows that if you are lonely or isolated from other people, it will be de facto your death sentence. In the village of the threat of loneliness no.
When you see a nice people face to face, happen interesting biological things: oxytocin and neurotransmitters reduce stress, allow you to trust the source, relax. We can get another person with signs of stress to feel good. And this is a big benefit for health and General happiness.
However, studies also tell us that the people have never in history were so isolated from each other as it is now. The reason is rapid urbanization.
Who lives in the village, that not lucky?
In General, organize your village can and the city. You can clean in the evenings, the snow in the yard along with the neighbors. Unable to communicate with them in the Elevator. You can chat with colleagues in the office personally, and not to permanently scatter bunches of emails. You can meet friends and not chat with them. For your child, you can find a school with a bad oborudovniya, but good teachers.
You need to realize that digital communication will never replace real encounters with each other. I urge you to throw out all the gadgets and go to Tibet to meditate. I don't romantisize village life. You have to use the word as a metaphor: try to establish a deep personal contacts with other people. It works.
Source: /users/1077