
248 - Korporativchik on the occasion of the first millennium of Rome. By the way, it happened in the reign of Philip the Arab. As is clear from the nickname, he was an Arab, the son of the leader of the town Trahonitida. I do not remember 100%, but it seems that the first worker on the European throne. Well, in a serious state, anyway.
History is silent, why have decided to celebrate this day, because according to Mark Terrentsiyu Varro, Romulus founded the Eternal City on April 21 753 BC. e.
Whatever it was, but said from the heart. In the arena allowed to flow: for ten hyenas, zebras, giraffes and tigers, a rhinoceros, hippos six, 20 donkeys, 30 leopards, 32 elephants, 40 horses, 60 lions. And for two thousand gladiators ...
Walked ...
1654 - Signing certificates to Bogdan Khmelnitsky Alexei Romanov. In which it was first used the title of "Great and All Russia Malyja autocrat." Diploma of buried hopes for independence at nominal subservience to Moscow. For prescribed in it - the emperor's right to appoint the hetman, fig in the sphere of foreign policy and so on - put Ukraine at the mercy of the sovereign will. As originally specified the conditions are completely different, something about love and harmony we are, of course, did not go. And therefore on the part of the "change" - he was still talking. As the saying goes, "necha blame the mirror ...»
1896 - Opening of the first Olympic Games. Well, as the first. In modern history. Announced this King George I, thus abolishing, although formally ban on games, cash back in 394 by Emperor Theodosius. At that time, we decided to stop this harmful venture as a purely pagan relic. 241 athlete from 14 countries, Austria-Hungary, while being a single state, presented 2 teams (as sensed), 9 sports. Russia due to financial difficulties refused to participate.
The winner of the marathon was the beggar shepherd Spiridon Louis. Imagine this now, yes ... Most of all medals took the Greeks - 46, more than all the gold taken in the United States - 11