What are the names of the countries?

Every day we hear about these countries, but do not reflect the meaning of their names. We are in the Website have decided to be curious and share interests.

When the first Spanish conquistadors discovered the Rio de la Plata, it was full of silver. Hence the name "Argentina" - from the Latin argentum - silver

. Most of the country is below sea level. The word "Holland" is set to "low-lying land", just transferred another name of the country -. Netherlands

Hungarians long time called "the people of ten copies" - so translates the Bulgarian-Turkic word "Onogurs". Meant is the union of the ten tribes, and hence the name of the country has gone.
The name of the country due to the valuable red wood, which in large quantities exported to Europe from Brazil. The color of this tree resembles the color of red-hot coals, and Portuguese brasa just means "embers».

It is said that Spain is named for rabbits: they used to be on the coast of great variety. At least Phoenician "i-punks" translates as "beach bunnies»
Costa Rica

. The most common version of the origin of the name of this country is associated with Columbus and his travels. In one of them, he noticed that the Indians on the coast are a lot of gold jewelry. For this reason, for the country got the name, which is translated from Spanish as "rich coast."

Before becoming a state, Luxembourg was a modest fort. With German and translated - "small castle". Becoming a center of associations of abbeys and land, he gave the name to the whole country.

Traveling through Central Africa, Portuguese sailors discovered a large number of shrimp in the river and named it "Rio dos-Kamaroysh", which translates to "river shrimp." Subsequently Kamaroysh turned into Cameroon, and the name stuck first for the coastal area, and then for the whole country.

Perhaps many would like to see in his honor named the city at least, not that the whole country. We can say that in this regard the Austrian Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein lucky land acquired by the state steel, which was named after him

. The name of a dwarf state in the heart of Rome comes from the name of the hill on which it is located: vaticinatio translated from Latin means "divination, prophecy." Hill was allotted soothsayers, it could get a prediction of the oracle.

There is a version that Moldavia is named after the first governor of the dog's favorite, who died during a hunt. The second version is leaning towards Germanic Mulde, which translates as

«Hollow." For a long time the Romanian lands were under the rule of the Roman Empire, the neighboring countries and said: "Roman earth". It so happened that the empire was gone, but the name stuck.

The name of the country has received from the Namib Desert, which is translated as "a place where there is nothing" with the Nama language.

"Icy country" Iceland dubbed the Normans, who came there in the IX century. Despite the abundance of glaciers, Iceland is much warmer than in Greenland, whose name translates as "green land».

The name Venezuela came up Amerigo Vespucci: he saw that the Venezuelans houses built on water, and decided that the country is perfect name "Little Venice» (Venezuola Italian and translated)
. The Source: My Planet
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