
1722 - Open from Easter Island. Shells Dutch West India Company fleet has appointed the head of navigation of Admiral Jacob Roggeveen yes and go in search of the southern continent. On the mainland did not grow together because, having rounded the southern tip of South America, the sailors turned to the northwest, which, quite naturally, to Antarctica they could not lead. But chudesatee led to the island, which landed on the Dutch slightly stunned: Thou natives were black, tacos and red, and the island was in abundance stuck stone idols height up to 20 meters. Called these idols in local dialect "moai", produced them in the quarries in the central part of the island. The Dutch politely explained that further stone guys were distributed around the island on their own. Even seasick considerable sailing, sailors from the country of tulips did not believe in such, but in vain. Somewhere about a month ago, I caught my eye on the video, in which a dozen people with ropes quite cheerfully moved image on the path. Clearly, the time such experiments took away pretty, well and take some yourself in the tropics than something you need?
As seen in the island was the first day of Passover, and then named it accordingly. Well, this self most remote inhabited island - Rapanui (or hyphenated: Rapa Nui). And still a considerable distance - the distance to the coast of Chile, which owns the island, 3700 km ...
1955 - Winston Churchill resigned. This resulted in a career of one of the most prominent politicians of the 20th century. And from British politicians - definitely the most powerful and memorable. Over 50 years of political career, six monarchs, who were "at Churchill," the Supreme Commander of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. He managed to beat domestic supporters of the agreement with Germany insisting on the war to the bitter end, divided as a result of negotiations with Stalin's sphere of influence in Europe, and then, not trusting the policy of the USSR - one of the initiators of the "cold war" and the author of the term "Iron Curtain".
Unfortunately, his last term in office - yet another confirmation of the thesis that "the need to go on time." Churchill was not in years, cognac and illness had taken their toll. To steer the country in 77 years, even for the great complicated ...