Nova View Tatuiovok "Blekvork" is gaining momentum! People have gone mad!
Many people dream about the tattoo, but usually rarely one of them thinking about something more brutal than flowers, portraits, skulls, lettering, graphics and other realism. How about to take and score the whole body with black? I never thought about it? If not, then now is the time because it is now the height of fashion. This style tattoos as blekvork existed for a very long time, but now the style was able to get out of the underground underground. This became possible due to the style of blackout (blackout - blackout), which, in essence, is the same blekvorkom only become a trend under the new name. As part of this trend of people sacrificed their old tattoos or just the whole body solid black. Sometimes these tattoos are decorated with bright patterns or crisp geometric lines. We suggest you take a look at examples of these works further.
The tattoo artist Lee Chester (Chester Lee) from the studio «Oracle Tattoo», Singapore, places to Instagram your profile their work in the style of blackout and they gain a lot of likes
In an interview with Cosmopolitan Chester Lee explained that blackout tattoos can cover the existing tattoo, leaving a pattern in black packed
Soon, the trend has picked up by other studios and began to offer its customers a tattoo style blackout
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The tattoo artist Lee Chester (Chester Lee) from the studio «Oracle Tattoo», Singapore, places to Instagram your profile their work in the style of blackout and they gain a lot of likes

In an interview with Cosmopolitan Chester Lee explained that blackout tattoos can cover the existing tattoo, leaving a pattern in black packed

Soon, the trend has picked up by other studios and began to offer its customers a tattoo style blackout

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