Powder coating - the efficient and reliable coverage

The process of powder coating of metal products (dry finish) appeared in North America, more than half a century ago. Due to the special method of processing metal, http://www.mcolorit.ru provides manufacturing reliable and durable products with excellent aesthetic appearance
Features pokraskiVes powder painting process can be divided into several stages:. Training design and application of powder thermo polymerization. Such work is carried out in a specially equipped premises.
The mixture is made to paint based on polymer resins with hardeners, modifiers, and other components. Using a spray bottle homogeneous powder is applied to the degreased surface. The particles melt polymerization chamber and a uniform paint layer tightly covers the processed material. Benefits powder
pokraskiPri compared with other methods of coating, powder coating has many advantages:
- a little time to prepare the surface (do not use primer),
- Small loss of powder during the work (up 4%),
- control of coating thickness,
- no need for additional drying of finished products.
The method of powder coating has excellent protective and decorative qualities. On metal structures and no exposure to external weather conditions, UV coating and are reliable and durable
PrimeneniePoroshkovye paint and mix of well-known manufacturers have found great use in the final processing and impart special qualities:.
- < armored door,
- sheet metal and profile,
- the original hardware (racks, fences, kiosks),
- ATM,
- Automobile disks, etc.
A wide range of colors allows you to paint a wide variety of products and decorate a certain design and interior. Paint
ProizvodstvoPoroshkovaya possible for materials that can retain its original shape at a high temperature (200 degrees Celsius).
In the workshops, equipped to perform the work, found high-tech equipment. Professional masters to quickly and accurately perform painting and, if necessary, will be able to advise clients.
Dimensions painting tanks allow to paint products of different sizes. Efficiency, quality and optimum cost - top priorities for our customers.