Unsolved conflicts parents or why sick children
In RICOL Healing it is considered that we are on 99% consists of memories of our family. High stress, worry because their parents or more distant ancestors can be automatically displayed in the child's biology, which subconsciously assumes parental stress.
Unresolved conflicts will melt biological parents of the child and the conflict transformed into his illness. The child receives the information unconsciously and automatically. It accumulates a stress of the whole family, and his brain includes a program that will allow the elimination or reduction of stress levels, finding solution to the conflict parents, implementing the project, the purpose of conception.
So, if a child is sick, our (especially small), looking for the conflict in his life! It is important to look at the good atmosphere at the moment of conception of the child (the surrounding factors, financial situation, relationships with others, the availability of home and means of subsistence, emotional feelings, etc.), to the plans of parents (work, duty, love, what kind of expectations they experience a child, etc.), different situations that cause stress (problems of everyday life, which is not resolved).
What was the situation at the moment of conception?
This conception was planned, or random?
As a woman I react when she found out that she was pregnant?
As her partner react?
As relatives react?
As the pregnancy proceeded?
The conditions under which the child was born?
What happened during the birth and that therefore worried mother and father?
The birth was easy or difficult, short or long, with or without complications?
What happened in the first year of a child's life?
Was the mother with the child?
Is it breast fed?
How fast is back to work?
It is important to find answers to the questions above because it has gone through the emotional experience of parents turns into a kind of matrix for the automatic behavior of your child and the diseases that appear because of it. Aware of the conflict itself, which we have experienced, we we help change this program and thereby liberate your child from having his expression.
Unresolved conflicts will melt biological parents of the child and the conflict transformed into his illness. The child receives the information unconsciously and automatically. It accumulates a stress of the whole family, and his brain includes a program that will allow the elimination or reduction of stress levels, finding solution to the conflict parents, implementing the project, the purpose of conception.
So, if a child is sick, our (especially small), looking for the conflict in his life! It is important to look at the good atmosphere at the moment of conception of the child (the surrounding factors, financial situation, relationships with others, the availability of home and means of subsistence, emotional feelings, etc.), to the plans of parents (work, duty, love, what kind of expectations they experience a child, etc.), different situations that cause stress (problems of everyday life, which is not resolved).
What was the situation at the moment of conception?
This conception was planned, or random?
As a woman I react when she found out that she was pregnant?
As her partner react?
As relatives react?
As the pregnancy proceeded?
The conditions under which the child was born?
What happened during the birth and that therefore worried mother and father?
The birth was easy or difficult, short or long, with or without complications?
What happened in the first year of a child's life?
Was the mother with the child?
Is it breast fed?
How fast is back to work?
It is important to find answers to the questions above because it has gone through the emotional experience of parents turns into a kind of matrix for the automatic behavior of your child and the diseases that appear because of it. Aware of the conflict itself, which we have experienced, we we help change this program and thereby liberate your child from having his expression.