Take a look at the Moorish Farm fattening Girls
A thin woman in Mauritania has almost no chance of getting married. Burly of the child's parents disquiet already in 5-7 years, when the girl has to make a match. Those who do not have enough weight is placed on a special farm where girls to 12 years raskarmlivayut up to 80-90 kg.
One third of the population of Mauritania constitute negros, the second - the Berbers, another third - the Arabs. It is the latter more in the XI-XII centuries laid bytuyuschy still the custom under the name Leblouh, that a woman should be stout. In the classic Arab-Berber family of the wife should not work, but only delight the eyes men worked as the house negros slaves.
Even the French colonialists could not abolish this custom. The situation was aggravated by the fact that 70% of the population of Mauritania - poverty, which barely manages to get food, but to save the woman's beauty is not accepted
. Girls in this country to make a match made in 5-9 years. By this age they should look something like this right in the old photos:
Those girls who have no signs of hereditary completeness, parents give the special farm , where experienced women raskarmlivayut them to an acceptable condition.
Typical fattening ration about this: two cups of butter, peanuts, millet, beans, camel milk. Its calorie content can reach 16 thousand calories a day (despite the fact that the normal daily rate for girls of that age - 1500 kcal).. Fattening continues all school holidays and rainy season (about 2 months), when the camels enough milk.
The ideal is considered to be a condition where the 12-year-old girl begins to weigh 80-90 kg. If that mark could not get the weight for more than one year can submit this farm girl. After the onset of menstruation begins a new stage beauty guidance: a special body massage sticks by which the skin appear the so-called "Streamers" (on the first photo you can see how it looks). Now the girl is ready for marriage.
Photos from the magazine Marie Claire (photographer - Belgian JOOST DE RAEYMAEKER).
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One third of the population of Mauritania constitute negros, the second - the Berbers, another third - the Arabs. It is the latter more in the XI-XII centuries laid bytuyuschy still the custom under the name Leblouh, that a woman should be stout. In the classic Arab-Berber family of the wife should not work, but only delight the eyes men worked as the house negros slaves.
Even the French colonialists could not abolish this custom. The situation was aggravated by the fact that 70% of the population of Mauritania - poverty, which barely manages to get food, but to save the woman's beauty is not accepted
. Girls in this country to make a match made in 5-9 years. By this age they should look something like this right in the old photos:
Those girls who have no signs of hereditary completeness, parents give the special farm , where experienced women raskarmlivayut them to an acceptable condition.
Typical fattening ration about this: two cups of butter, peanuts, millet, beans, camel milk. Its calorie content can reach 16 thousand calories a day (despite the fact that the normal daily rate for girls of that age - 1500 kcal).. Fattening continues all school holidays and rainy season (about 2 months), when the camels enough milk.
The ideal is considered to be a condition where the 12-year-old girl begins to weigh 80-90 kg. If that mark could not get the weight for more than one year can submit this farm girl. After the onset of menstruation begins a new stage beauty guidance: a special body massage sticks by which the skin appear the so-called "Streamers" (on the first photo you can see how it looks). Now the girl is ready for marriage.

Photos from the magazine Marie Claire (photographer - Belgian JOOST DE RAEYMAEKER).
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