
1662 - The first public transport. Paris. Omnibus. Yes, he is shocked. Launched this joy horse-drawn, the name - "for all", positioned as a transport for the poor. I mean, you can not afford a carriage or litter there - Go to the omnibus. But something the authorities in this state of affairs did not like, they are forbidden to use the lower classes omnibuses and trucks came to nothing. A revived in the 19th century ... By the way, in Santa Clara (Cuba) are on the move today. Quite a city transport ...
1871 - the Paris Commune. Like as overthrown the bourgeoisie. Enough, however, for 72 days, but we managed to rustle bring. It separates the church from the state, respectively, priests deprived of wages, with the pay scale of officials to work hard even managed to abolish the standing army. The objectives were clear good - elimination operation, inequality, militarism seriously question was. But stamp down this thing quickly, shot 20 thousand, 13 thousand more - various penalties. A curious, in that it could spill
1892 - established Stenli.Evropa Cup rages, come the grand nix, but on the other side of the Atlantic is only getting better everyday life. Governor General of Canada Stanley Preston, seeing hockey fights, was fascinated by what he saw and play like a true Briton, I decided that the winner should get an award trophy. Therefore, the cup was bought at the price of 10 guineas (whether in London, whether in Sheffield - witnesses are confused in the testimony). It was supposed to engrave the names of the winners (why not team names - I'll never know, because the rings were presented individually). Place on a cup quickly exhausted, it had to increase. And in 1964, to the bowl, God forbid, not collapsed from old age, made a duplicate. So that the original is now - in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto
1965 - A man went into space. It was possible to do it in a spacesuit Alexei Leonov "Berkut", specially designed for the job. The residence time in the Cosmos - 12 minutes
1999 - The Birth of LiveJournal. What is added? .. Like yesterday. Thanks Brad Fitzpatrick, it was cool and still relevant. Lives in fact. It operates cheerfully
Their friends are puzzled, when the pair decided to buy the abandoned mill ...
Paint me this day colored pencil