One day, a paramedic in a remote northern village
there is a community called "One of my day" in LiveJournal. There users can publish exciting reports about how their day went, and so readers are able to "spy" with photos of the life of strangers, their daily activities, and concerns radostyami.Redaktsiya Website found in this community a wonderful "day" - the day of the village doctor's assistant on the far North. We admire the modesty of the author committing, in fact, a small feat, helping people living in isolation from the 'mainland', somewhere on the edge of our vast Motherland ...
Hello, my name is Natalia. I am 43 years old. I'll show you one working day May 12, 2015 in the position of the assistant of a small village on the edge of the world.
Venue - Nenets Autonomous District. A few dozen kilometers from Naryan-Mar and very close to Pustozersk - the first polar Russian city founded in the late XV century
. It was something like a six-week business trip.
For a whole week, I wake up, I see the "landscape": a service space + living room of the infirmary staff. Each season, a new paramedic lives here. My predecessor had lived here in March 2013 Wanting to come here still have to search. Terms harsh and gloomy little village, and the population is completely disabled, pensioners and the fans of "green serpent».
Basically come to work for a season. Who for a month or two, and who for six months. Specificity of work in the area is that it is very often used by nonresident specialists services, paying for travel and other allowances. Local for the money under such conditions do not tend to work, and visitors from the regions, where the pay is quite crumbs agree.
I arrived here at the request of my classmates, we studied together back in medical school, and then in the medical university. She has to travel here to the challenges from the neighboring village, and day and night. She knew that the medical assistant diploma in my "history", and suggested that this adventure. So what must be confessed, if not for the opportunity to make some money while on vacation, I hardly dared to go here.
In these places, time moves as a particularly slow. I get up early. Such a habit.
TV "catches" only one program. Fortunately for me, this is one of my favorites. But I turn I'm just watching the news, and good movies, because the rest of the repertoire known by heart.
I'm going to wash.
This is my "bathroom." Here you can only wash but brush your teeth.
The construction is called "vanity." In the upper white box filled with water (it is usually next to a large jar). From black cock follows. Under the sink, in the lower white box, is a bucket, which is used in the water is drained. It is necessary to monitor the amount of water in the bucket, but it can occur "accident" - the bucket overflows, and sewage will flow past the
Therefore, all other water treatments I accept that's the way.
Here is one of the local amenities. Toilet "free fall." It is located in the hallway, the walls of its borders only with the street.
It is good that now spring. Working in winter, doctors say that there are some cold, when the "freeze spray". And if this happens, and this is the most embarrassing stream of spilled past, the next time you visit, you can easily to it and the slip.
Therefore, in order not to be in free fall when visiting such a toilet, you must possess three important qualities - speed, accuracy and caution :-)
This is behind the stove, my "kitchen". I've got tiles, cabinet with dishes and some of my products. All perishable I keep in the refrigerator, which will show later.
I put water for coffee. Without Coffee I'm not a man. I prefer boiled. This bag my friends already presented here in town, I pull it as I can, it is very tasty. In the local village shop ground coffee does not offer a "three in one».
Then I prepare myself cereal. Peter brought from a large supply mnogozlakovoy and oatmeal.
I use powdered milk. To tell the truth, that I bought the house, muck rare. But I still have another long pereshlyut of a large village, so try not to pick :)
Breakfast is my believe is perfect. At this point, do you start to appreciate some simple things, confers the most unpretentious beauty. The cup no sugar and all the same milk powder. The porridge cheese. His I, too, bought in the city on arrival. The saucer slices of dark chocolate with orange slices. Smack in the morning.
Breakfast. I look through the local press. It is not important that the newspaper a month ago. On such trifles do not pay attention here. Mail is delivered very often, about a couple of times a month. As products in the store, and pensions. I note to myself that here come another day, with each of them closer to home!
After breakfast, mandatory event - the firebox of the furnace. During the night the wind blows almost all of the heat sink and have every day. This stove heats two rooms. My room, and the next - the reception, where I communicate with patients. Necessary conditions for the reception - this heat. Then you can make a full inspection, people do not tremble, undressing, relax, for example, when removing the ECG. I flooded. It turns out almost from the first match.
On the stove is always a large saucepan with water. Hot water may be required unexpectedly. There was a case when I had to wash the feet of the hunter before to assist him in wound treatment.
I turn on your favorite music.
I have to say that mobile phones here represented by only one operator, which Simcoe good people I was allowed to use. And it's a great success, I guessed to take out of the house "just fire" second phone.
To my great regret, this is not the operator, in whom I hoped to access the Internet. But empirically as a result of intelligence on the ground I could still find a point where it was my statement gives little regard!
While the oven is heated, proceed to washing dishes. The process in these conditions, unhurried, and what's the hurry? Then only the North Pole.
After this exciting experience going to wait for patients in the waiting room. As I said, the office for the reception in the same building, in the adjacent room.
Cabinet for remote rural areas, in my opinion, quite well equipped. It is divided into several parts and includes a reception area to the actual patients, for wardrobes bed for visitors a day hospital and in front of - sight gynecological chair and various medical equipment
Here drying cabinet for sterilizing instruments. And some just do not have the tools. Almost all abdominal surgical set of tools for the inspection of upper respiratory tract, dental forceps and mirrors, gynecology and others. Suture material, disposable dressings. On all occasions. If ordered, brought at the request of any whim reasonable, of course, limits. Just to provide assistance on the ground.
Next are two suitcases. One top for calls. It is usually grab and run, if the call is urgent. Second, the iron, there is set for delivery. Full styling with sterile sheets and blanket.
Ideally births FAP should not be and this event entails condemnation. The duty paramedic - promptly send a pregnant woman for delivery to the hospital. But the cases are different and need to be ready for anything. In winter, through the village are often nomadic reindeer herding brigade. With them go and pregnant.
Working here paramedic should know a little about everything. It will save a variety of professional practice.
I had to take in the wounds, to carry out detoxification in cases of poisoning and even remove the tooth. You can help a person with any disease. The stock of equipment and drugs allows to hold out until the arrival sanreysa with a specialized team. In addition, experts County Hospital has never refused to consult on complex cases.
Even along this wall is household appliances: washing machine, refrigerator and microwave
. Stiralka use quite troublesome, it requires a lot of water, and the water is not close here.
Refrigerator and microwave - the essential things in life
So, time is running out, I change clothes and ready to work. I have five minutes to prepare for the main cards of patients receiving treatment at the moment.
Tightens the first patients.
Very often people come to the reception is not empty-handed. In the village the first person paramedic. Drinking very friendly. Respected as anyone else. At each meal put in the head of the table, next to the hero of the festivities, were treated to goodies and offer the best dishes. Most of the residents somehow try to feed. First fairing today). Sigi. Boxes for comparison. I previously had to eat whitefish, but they were less than these.
While the old man is discussing with me their problems, his wife was waiting for him in the hallway.
The next patient. I should add that allow pictures of themselves willingly. Some are asked not to forget then "show card».
Of the side of ailments at all about one thing - lack of communication. Eager to share the news, or simply pressing matters to discuss a TV program.
This friend also came with the fish. She even moved. To refuse such gifts - offend
. Given that I prefer meat, she will lie at me for a long time.
And the next patient brought "green onion in the soup you, Doctor." Ah, young man :) Incredibly touching! Obviously, raised on the window.
Ogorodik vspashut here until the middle of June, and the harvest dug out from under the snow in October, if you're lucky.
Fixes the time
As long as no one else can do documentation and outpatients. I pour a cup of tea. I try not to crumble in the cards :-) I remember the chips in their notebooks when they receive their checks after the teacher.
I try while receiving less write, and listen more. Well, it is not the district clinic, where not less than 10 sufferers sitting behind the door.
In local terms is enough for me to write the very beginning of the history and examination, and then to finish the whole story. For my patients are much more important than direct communication "face to face". They need to be listened to carefully and delved.
In the 12-00 reception ends and begins duty at home. I took off dressing gown, turn to my room to continue economic affairs.
Today I plan on washing. Jeans soaked in a bucket. As it turns out it is more convenient. With the same bucket then I'll rinse your pants on the column.
While jeans will get wet, I decide to go to the store. On the way to take photos of the surrounding landscapes. In my opinion, they are sad and dull. "What the hell, I think they suffered at the galleys in the 15th century?" In the 15th, Carl!
The diversity of our products are the envy of any general store supermarket!
Here saleswoman. Scans of ownership. It is also the headman of the village. Position these parts rather big and complex.
And here is the buyer. This is representative of the indigenous population - Nenets. Meet - Katerina
Another of the features associated with the specific area, - sale of goods without money. Under the recording. Pensions, salaries and benefits are delivered here along with the media, ie. E. Not more than couple times a month, and a money debt for the goods can be given, when there will be money. The most interesting is that the delivery of the money and papers, together with the goods entrusted just for old age. Therefore, it may immediately deduct the debt from the resulting pensions, for example.
Prices here, unlike elders, bite.
I'm still paying the price, on the spot. Shows that bought at the store. This deer ham. Meat products here mainly venison. Naryan-Mar a meat processing plant. In fairness, I will say that everything that I had to try, good quality and taste.
And the smell, lost in capital products, mouthwatering smell natural product!
No, not Putin, and Harutinskaya :-) From the name of the Nenets district Haruta village. I bought bread. On this day, he was still pretty fresh.
Just do yourself a big sandwich. I like crusts from childhood.
While there is nothing to do, I chew the bread with ham and read, sitting on their rookery. This novel Zhaprizo "A Very Long Engagement».
Before the trip, I downloaded a lot of books on the advice of my friends to do from LJ. I take this opportunity pass you all very much and greetings!
Checking whether to wash jeans enough. The day before I fell into the dirt and the side was not weak spot.
It seems everything is in order and I will proceed to the next stage of washing in the manual mode.
I go out, I put the rake in a sign that all are gone. It's a "Cerberus" country-style "traditional" lock ". If the door is across a stick, it is clear to everyone that no one is home. No one in this case, the house will not come.
On the way to take pictures of the area. It turned stingy northern sun. By the way, the weather here - a nightmare forecaster. It is very changeable.
The church building, transported here from Pustozersk to save. It should be preserved. Not the Cathedral of St. Peter's in Rome, but where the Romans? ..
I meet along the way residents. This is Paul, Catherine's brother. "Forever young, forever drunk».
In the conversation it turns out that "a headache, shaking his handkerchief." Cause of headache often - exorbitant a drink the night before. Way holds in store, it only medicine there.
Immediately before the wooden bridge you. For those who have no idea what it is :-)
And this is Anna. Quite willing to share news, he laments that somewhere escaped favorite cat. Although the yard is already far in March ...
This native Nikolay going hunting. Here people have two basic classes - hunting and fishing. Daily shoot ducks, rabbits. They go "on the grid", ie. E. Check the network, set the day before.
And here is the local sauna. Any of the villagers to heat and it may wash his health.
This "public" bath enjoys frequent demand among those who do not have their own. And for those who because of their age or capacity can no longer heat up his. Complain of shortages of hot water? Think of this hut.
That column. It arranges everything quite simple. The pump inside and outside of a couple of buttons and a piece of hose. Stick to using a "stirring", because the leading ice.
But my "joy". The point of Internet access. So in an open field on the hill I was a couple of times a day with good weather, I go out to the network. The signal is weak, of course, but enough to check email, browse the news and even to post a couple of pictures on the page in the social network.
Having done all the things back on the bank of the river. One of the fishermen went to test your network.
At its porch I discover here such a surprise. From buckets me winks pike. Already cleaned! :-)
Fairly froze on the street, I decided that I can eat. Just take my cooking. Carcass of milk. Everything is simple. Dishes here are practically no. Frying terrible, but it is only in the economy.
Done. Dinner is plain my :-)
Then I drink coffee and leafing through a photo album of local chronicles
Today I have another asset. Asset - is actively visiting the patient's home. In my case it's more like patronage. I go to the local old woman at her request, "to pound the back».
Grandmother regularly asked to smear her back some infusions. Like, there is in them a kind of life-giving force. Detailed recipes do not know, but most of the year living alone and completely has its uncomplicated economy. Agree, for 90 years she is doing pretty well :-)
The procedure is simple, quickly cope.
During grandmother remembers that heated the bath today, and invites me to go, while she was still warm. In my position to refuse such a proposal is stupid! I ran to him, quickly assembled. In the bath it was still quite warm and I gladly pomylas, leaving behind the old order.
On the way back I took an armful of firewood. If the evening is not to put the wood to dry in an oven, it is necessary to heat the next day raw. Please note, during the evening, but as bright as day. One of the features of the terrain. That's where true white night. And all summer. Peter Brand - a pitiful semblance of a three-week
That day has passed. I'm already in bed. From the previous tenants left the book Vysotsky. I am looking forward to a fascinating read.
Благодарю всех, у кого хватило терпения прожить со мной этот день. Со стороны может показаться, что житье-бытье тут лучше некуда. Накормят, напоят, в бане вымоют. Но я каждый день зачеркивала цифры в календаре, скучая по своему любимому Питеру.
via odin-moy-den.livejournal.com/1852721.html

Hello, my name is Natalia. I am 43 years old. I'll show you one working day May 12, 2015 in the position of the assistant of a small village on the edge of the world.
Venue - Nenets Autonomous District. A few dozen kilometers from Naryan-Mar and very close to Pustozersk - the first polar Russian city founded in the late XV century
. It was something like a six-week business trip.
For a whole week, I wake up, I see the "landscape": a service space + living room of the infirmary staff. Each season, a new paramedic lives here. My predecessor had lived here in March 2013 Wanting to come here still have to search. Terms harsh and gloomy little village, and the population is completely disabled, pensioners and the fans of "green serpent».
Basically come to work for a season. Who for a month or two, and who for six months. Specificity of work in the area is that it is very often used by nonresident specialists services, paying for travel and other allowances. Local for the money under such conditions do not tend to work, and visitors from the regions, where the pay is quite crumbs agree.
I arrived here at the request of my classmates, we studied together back in medical school, and then in the medical university. She has to travel here to the challenges from the neighboring village, and day and night. She knew that the medical assistant diploma in my "history", and suggested that this adventure. So what must be confessed, if not for the opportunity to make some money while on vacation, I hardly dared to go here.

In these places, time moves as a particularly slow. I get up early. Such a habit.
TV "catches" only one program. Fortunately for me, this is one of my favorites. But I turn I'm just watching the news, and good movies, because the rest of the repertoire known by heart.
I'm going to wash.

This is my "bathroom." Here you can only wash but brush your teeth.
The construction is called "vanity." In the upper white box filled with water (it is usually next to a large jar). From black cock follows. Under the sink, in the lower white box, is a bucket, which is used in the water is drained. It is necessary to monitor the amount of water in the bucket, but it can occur "accident" - the bucket overflows, and sewage will flow past the

Therefore, all other water treatments I accept that's the way.

Here is one of the local amenities. Toilet "free fall." It is located in the hallway, the walls of its borders only with the street.
It is good that now spring. Working in winter, doctors say that there are some cold, when the "freeze spray". And if this happens, and this is the most embarrassing stream of spilled past, the next time you visit, you can easily to it and the slip.
Therefore, in order not to be in free fall when visiting such a toilet, you must possess three important qualities - speed, accuracy and caution :-)

This is behind the stove, my "kitchen". I've got tiles, cabinet with dishes and some of my products. All perishable I keep in the refrigerator, which will show later.

I put water for coffee. Without Coffee I'm not a man. I prefer boiled. This bag my friends already presented here in town, I pull it as I can, it is very tasty. In the local village shop ground coffee does not offer a "three in one».

Then I prepare myself cereal. Peter brought from a large supply mnogozlakovoy and oatmeal.
I use powdered milk. To tell the truth, that I bought the house, muck rare. But I still have another long pereshlyut of a large village, so try not to pick :)

Breakfast is my believe is perfect. At this point, do you start to appreciate some simple things, confers the most unpretentious beauty. The cup no sugar and all the same milk powder. The porridge cheese. His I, too, bought in the city on arrival. The saucer slices of dark chocolate with orange slices. Smack in the morning.

Breakfast. I look through the local press. It is not important that the newspaper a month ago. On such trifles do not pay attention here. Mail is delivered very often, about a couple of times a month. As products in the store, and pensions. I note to myself that here come another day, with each of them closer to home!

After breakfast, mandatory event - the firebox of the furnace. During the night the wind blows almost all of the heat sink and have every day. This stove heats two rooms. My room, and the next - the reception, where I communicate with patients. Necessary conditions for the reception - this heat. Then you can make a full inspection, people do not tremble, undressing, relax, for example, when removing the ECG. I flooded. It turns out almost from the first match.

On the stove is always a large saucepan with water. Hot water may be required unexpectedly. There was a case when I had to wash the feet of the hunter before to assist him in wound treatment.

I turn on your favorite music.
I have to say that mobile phones here represented by only one operator, which Simcoe good people I was allowed to use. And it's a great success, I guessed to take out of the house "just fire" second phone.
To my great regret, this is not the operator, in whom I hoped to access the Internet. But empirically as a result of intelligence on the ground I could still find a point where it was my statement gives little regard!

While the oven is heated, proceed to washing dishes. The process in these conditions, unhurried, and what's the hurry? Then only the North Pole.

After this exciting experience going to wait for patients in the waiting room. As I said, the office for the reception in the same building, in the adjacent room.

Cabinet for remote rural areas, in my opinion, quite well equipped. It is divided into several parts and includes a reception area to the actual patients, for wardrobes bed for visitors a day hospital and in front of - sight gynecological chair and various medical equipment

Here drying cabinet for sterilizing instruments. And some just do not have the tools. Almost all abdominal surgical set of tools for the inspection of upper respiratory tract, dental forceps and mirrors, gynecology and others. Suture material, disposable dressings. On all occasions. If ordered, brought at the request of any whim reasonable, of course, limits. Just to provide assistance on the ground.
Next are two suitcases. One top for calls. It is usually grab and run, if the call is urgent. Second, the iron, there is set for delivery. Full styling with sterile sheets and blanket.
Ideally births FAP should not be and this event entails condemnation. The duty paramedic - promptly send a pregnant woman for delivery to the hospital. But the cases are different and need to be ready for anything. In winter, through the village are often nomadic reindeer herding brigade. With them go and pregnant.
Working here paramedic should know a little about everything. It will save a variety of professional practice.
I had to take in the wounds, to carry out detoxification in cases of poisoning and even remove the tooth. You can help a person with any disease. The stock of equipment and drugs allows to hold out until the arrival sanreysa with a specialized team. In addition, experts County Hospital has never refused to consult on complex cases.

Even along this wall is household appliances: washing machine, refrigerator and microwave
. Stiralka use quite troublesome, it requires a lot of water, and the water is not close here.
Refrigerator and microwave - the essential things in life

So, time is running out, I change clothes and ready to work. I have five minutes to prepare for the main cards of patients receiving treatment at the moment.

Tightens the first patients.

Very often people come to the reception is not empty-handed. In the village the first person paramedic. Drinking very friendly. Respected as anyone else. At each meal put in the head of the table, next to the hero of the festivities, were treated to goodies and offer the best dishes. Most of the residents somehow try to feed. First fairing today). Sigi. Boxes for comparison. I previously had to eat whitefish, but they were less than these.

While the old man is discussing with me their problems, his wife was waiting for him in the hallway.

The next patient. I should add that allow pictures of themselves willingly. Some are asked not to forget then "show card».
Of the side of ailments at all about one thing - lack of communication. Eager to share the news, or simply pressing matters to discuss a TV program.

This friend also came with the fish. She even moved. To refuse such gifts - offend
. Given that I prefer meat, she will lie at me for a long time.

And the next patient brought "green onion in the soup you, Doctor." Ah, young man :) Incredibly touching! Obviously, raised on the window.
Ogorodik vspashut here until the middle of June, and the harvest dug out from under the snow in October, if you're lucky.

Fixes the time

As long as no one else can do documentation and outpatients. I pour a cup of tea. I try not to crumble in the cards :-) I remember the chips in their notebooks when they receive their checks after the teacher.

I try while receiving less write, and listen more. Well, it is not the district clinic, where not less than 10 sufferers sitting behind the door.
In local terms is enough for me to write the very beginning of the history and examination, and then to finish the whole story. For my patients are much more important than direct communication "face to face". They need to be listened to carefully and delved.

In the 12-00 reception ends and begins duty at home. I took off dressing gown, turn to my room to continue economic affairs.
Today I plan on washing. Jeans soaked in a bucket. As it turns out it is more convenient. With the same bucket then I'll rinse your pants on the column.

While jeans will get wet, I decide to go to the store. On the way to take photos of the surrounding landscapes. In my opinion, they are sad and dull. "What the hell, I think they suffered at the galleys in the 15th century?" In the 15th, Carl!

The diversity of our products are the envy of any general store supermarket!

Here saleswoman. Scans of ownership. It is also the headman of the village. Position these parts rather big and complex.

And here is the buyer. This is representative of the indigenous population - Nenets. Meet - Katerina

Another of the features associated with the specific area, - sale of goods without money. Under the recording. Pensions, salaries and benefits are delivered here along with the media, ie. E. Not more than couple times a month, and a money debt for the goods can be given, when there will be money. The most interesting is that the delivery of the money and papers, together with the goods entrusted just for old age. Therefore, it may immediately deduct the debt from the resulting pensions, for example.
Prices here, unlike elders, bite.

I'm still paying the price, on the spot. Shows that bought at the store. This deer ham. Meat products here mainly venison. Naryan-Mar a meat processing plant. In fairness, I will say that everything that I had to try, good quality and taste.
And the smell, lost in capital products, mouthwatering smell natural product!
No, not Putin, and Harutinskaya :-) From the name of the Nenets district Haruta village. I bought bread. On this day, he was still pretty fresh.

Just do yourself a big sandwich. I like crusts from childhood.

While there is nothing to do, I chew the bread with ham and read, sitting on their rookery. This novel Zhaprizo "A Very Long Engagement».
Before the trip, I downloaded a lot of books on the advice of my friends to do from LJ. I take this opportunity pass you all very much and greetings!

Checking whether to wash jeans enough. The day before I fell into the dirt and the side was not weak spot.

It seems everything is in order and I will proceed to the next stage of washing in the manual mode.
I go out, I put the rake in a sign that all are gone. It's a "Cerberus" country-style "traditional" lock ". If the door is across a stick, it is clear to everyone that no one is home. No one in this case, the house will not come.

On the way to take pictures of the area. It turned stingy northern sun. By the way, the weather here - a nightmare forecaster. It is very changeable.
The church building, transported here from Pustozersk to save. It should be preserved. Not the Cathedral of St. Peter's in Rome, but where the Romans? ..

I meet along the way residents. This is Paul, Catherine's brother. "Forever young, forever drunk».
In the conversation it turns out that "a headache, shaking his handkerchief." Cause of headache often - exorbitant a drink the night before. Way holds in store, it only medicine there.
Immediately before the wooden bridge you. For those who have no idea what it is :-)

And this is Anna. Quite willing to share news, he laments that somewhere escaped favorite cat. Although the yard is already far in March ...

This native Nikolay going hunting. Here people have two basic classes - hunting and fishing. Daily shoot ducks, rabbits. They go "on the grid", ie. E. Check the network, set the day before.

And here is the local sauna. Any of the villagers to heat and it may wash his health.
This "public" bath enjoys frequent demand among those who do not have their own. And for those who because of their age or capacity can no longer heat up his. Complain of shortages of hot water? Think of this hut.

That column. It arranges everything quite simple. The pump inside and outside of a couple of buttons and a piece of hose. Stick to using a "stirring", because the leading ice.

But my "joy". The point of Internet access. So in an open field on the hill I was a couple of times a day with good weather, I go out to the network. The signal is weak, of course, but enough to check email, browse the news and even to post a couple of pictures on the page in the social network.

Having done all the things back on the bank of the river. One of the fishermen went to test your network.

At its porch I discover here such a surprise. From buckets me winks pike. Already cleaned! :-)

Fairly froze on the street, I decided that I can eat. Just take my cooking. Carcass of milk. Everything is simple. Dishes here are practically no. Frying terrible, but it is only in the economy.

Done. Dinner is plain my :-)

Then I drink coffee and leafing through a photo album of local chronicles

Today I have another asset. Asset - is actively visiting the patient's home. In my case it's more like patronage. I go to the local old woman at her request, "to pound the back».
Grandmother regularly asked to smear her back some infusions. Like, there is in them a kind of life-giving force. Detailed recipes do not know, but most of the year living alone and completely has its uncomplicated economy. Agree, for 90 years she is doing pretty well :-)

The procedure is simple, quickly cope.
During grandmother remembers that heated the bath today, and invites me to go, while she was still warm. In my position to refuse such a proposal is stupid! I ran to him, quickly assembled. In the bath it was still quite warm and I gladly pomylas, leaving behind the old order.

On the way back I took an armful of firewood. If the evening is not to put the wood to dry in an oven, it is necessary to heat the next day raw. Please note, during the evening, but as bright as day. One of the features of the terrain. That's where true white night. And all summer. Peter Brand - a pitiful semblance of a three-week

That day has passed. I'm already in bed. From the previous tenants left the book Vysotsky. I am looking forward to a fascinating read.

Благодарю всех, у кого хватило терпения прожить со мной этот день. Со стороны может показаться, что житье-бытье тут лучше некуда. Накормят, напоят, в бане вымоют. Но я каждый день зачеркивала цифры в календаре, скучая по своему любимому Питеру.
via odin-moy-den.livejournal.com/1852721.html
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