
1831 - Published "Notre Dame de Paris." Brilliant. Masterpiece. Book at all times ... What is there to add? Of course, the gloomy, to say, well, yes. Hugo was not a humorist. What else? Writing overlaid on to the next time the Paris revolution. July 1830-th, "three glorious days", rebelled, barricade battles, overthrew Charles X, built his cousin. Maybe, too, somehow superimposed? Who knows ...
1915 - cover up the St. Petersburg club "Stray Dog". Yes, after a century-something few people remember and know, and it was very popular in those days the institution. At first, here in the basement of Young's home tusil creative people, but as the growing popularity began to hang out here and the color of the aristocratic society of the capital. Akhmatova once intersperses mention of it in his work, was a regular at Mayakovsky. But Block frankly disliked this place. According to legend, a very tenacious closed club was started by the result of the fight Mayakovsky. In fact, as usual, everything was much simpler. World War I, Prohibition, announced the start of its ban on the trade of alcohol, disturbed regularly at art club. And Prince Obolensky, part-time St. Petersburg mayor, ordered to close the institution for violations ...
2014 - "referendum" in Crimea. Yes, for two years ...