How and where to get a passport in Kiev?

If you need to leave the country for work or pleasure, it is not necessary to receive the paper on which you will be able to live abroad for years. Consequently, a passport is required only if you are going to live abroad for several years. It should be borne in mind that it is suitable for trips to any country of the world, but, at the same time, the state has a membership of Ukraine.
Who can get a foreign passport of Ukraine?
Application to pay the passport is taken where the person is registered. For example, in Kiev passport is issued only to people who are registered in the city or in some neighboring towns, where there is its official structures for issuing passports. The right to take the passport are all citizens of Ukraine who have attained 18 years of age (if they reside in the territory of the country), or under 16 years of age (if they live most of the time in other countries). Production time passport is about 3 months from the date of the application and its expiration date -. 10 years from the date of issue
What papers and certificates presented upon application for a passport in Kiev
- ? Ukraine effective passport + copy.
- Individual identification code + copy.
- The former passport (if it was).
- Receipts for payment of the required fees, and in the case of exemption from payment -. certificate confirming it
- If a passport is acquired in case of loss of access to the previous one, it is necessary to produce a certificate of loss
- Only for men 18-25 years. - a certificate or military ID
- a duly completed application form pay passport
- Special card "Information on traveling»
- Help from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of criminal record <... /
Paperwork - the main problem of public institutions, so it is possible for the average fee to apply to private traders, who do everything faster. If you live in Kiev, but there is a need to go abroad - welcome to do a passport with us. Especially invite those who need to issue the document in time for at least 3 months. The quality and speed of work is guaranteed!