The prisoner has become a star of the Internet Through Pictures and admirers Army
In 2014, we wrote to you about the blue-eyed outlaw named Jeremy Meeks (Jeremy Meeks), which brought to mind all the female half of the Internet. His popularity sharply went up the hill, after its publication on the page magshota Stockton Police Department, the United States, to Facebook. The women begged police not to hide such a pretty boy in jail, offered to pay his bail, and even take him on bail (and this despite the fact that Jeremy Meeks is married). However, by the time the system has spun gears and Jeremy was sentenced to 2 years for possession of a firearm. Most recently, he was released and is ready to become a model.
Famous magshot Jeremy Meeks, made in 2014 and gathered more than 100,000 likes. His cheekbones, a perfect chin and blue eyes roiled hundreds of thousands of women across the planet
Even then, many appreciated the model of Jeremy's appearance by creating its image several fotozhab in the style of famous fashion brands
Agree, Jeremy looks very organic, even in these advertising fotozhabu
When Jeremy found himself behind bars, only modeling agencies have realized that they have lost. At that time, 28-year-old convict had already incredible popularity without pathos photoset
Sitting in jail Jeremy started the page in Instagram, which in a short time had accumulated about 30 thousand subscribers (currently profile includes almost 90 thousand subscribers and the number is growing in an arithmetic progression)
A year ago, he gave an interview on «ABC», in which he spoke, he spends much time in the gym to be ready for close-ups, when released from prison, "I eat healthy food. A lot of push-ups, pull-up, push-ups on the bars, do Burpoe, and try to stay active, "- he said
. Sitting in the chamber Jeremy not only dreamed of a modeling career, as he literally counted the days, when he finally has to be able to return to his wife and son
The first photo published Jeremy after release from prison. He has already signed a contract with «White Cross Management» modeling agency, so remember that person, because very soon you can see it in fashion magazines and on billboards
"I want to thank my family and all of you for your love, support and prayers. I am amazed and grateful for what lies ahead. I'm ready .. "- signed photo Jeremy Good luck, Jeremy, and stay away from trouble
! : Umkra
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Famous magshot Jeremy Meeks, made in 2014 and gathered more than 100,000 likes. His cheekbones, a perfect chin and blue eyes roiled hundreds of thousands of women across the planet

Even then, many appreciated the model of Jeremy's appearance by creating its image several fotozhab in the style of famous fashion brands

Agree, Jeremy looks very organic, even in these advertising fotozhabu

When Jeremy found himself behind bars, only modeling agencies have realized that they have lost. At that time, 28-year-old convict had already incredible popularity without pathos photoset

Sitting in jail Jeremy started the page in Instagram, which in a short time had accumulated about 30 thousand subscribers (currently profile includes almost 90 thousand subscribers and the number is growing in an arithmetic progression)

A year ago, he gave an interview on «ABC», in which he spoke, he spends much time in the gym to be ready for close-ups, when released from prison, "I eat healthy food. A lot of push-ups, pull-up, push-ups on the bars, do Burpoe, and try to stay active, "- he said
. Sitting in the chamber Jeremy not only dreamed of a modeling career, as he literally counted the days, when he finally has to be able to return to his wife and son

The first photo published Jeremy after release from prison. He has already signed a contract with «White Cross Management» modeling agency, so remember that person, because very soon you can see it in fashion magazines and on billboards

"I want to thank my family and all of you for your love, support and prayers. I am amazed and grateful for what lies ahead. I'm ready .. "- signed photo Jeremy Good luck, Jeremy, and stay away from trouble
! : Umkra
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25+ Photos Prohibited From North Korea, for which there threatens Would Death
23 evidence that the Internet will destroy you. Finally.