12 habits of people who at home is always clean
Everyone has such friends, to whom he had not Come - always clean! Even if you showed up without notice ... How so? This wizards? Of course not! < Website publishes a list of good habits that will help you do not straining, not even noticing it, to constantly maintain cleanliness.
1. People who always order the house every day shrouded his krovatHoroshaya habit. Correct. It gives the right mood for the whole day. And help yourself to stop hating each time you come into the bedroom at the end of a hard day.
2. They use a vacuum cleaner pravilnoEsli you have children or pets, you probably spend a lot of time cleaning and washing floors. And not only them.
In fact, the vacuum cleaner should be able to use correctly. This means brushing with it all: thumbs: curtains, lamps, coffee tables, mirrors, window sills, televisions. Not only floors.
Children and animal dander and dust left behind everywhere. Not only on the floor. Vacuums for this and have come up with. Forget these his "rags to dust." Actively use the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner.
3. They dismantled the dishwasher on utramPostaraytes find 15 minutes to disassemble and dishwasher in the morning. Then you do not have to spend time at the end of the day, before preparing dinner.
4. They washed in a strictly defined denDazhe families with several children, there is no need to wash things daily. You can try to do this ritual, for example, to wash every Sunday from 16 to 22 hours
. This graph will not only make your home to put things in the laundry basket, but also give you a sense of freedom from self-blame. You can sit on a weekday evening in front of TV and "sweating" that you want to load / parse stiralku.
5. They clean the refrigerator once a nedelyuRech not talking about "spring cleaning." Yet sometimes it is necessary to look into the fridge. At least in order to know that the house is still there, and you need to save.
Once a week, look into the fridge with one simple purpose: to throw away everything that is not edible and wipe any stains from potekshih products before they are covered with mold
6.. They are not greedy to buy korzinKorziny and baskets - great way to fold and organize different things. Arrange them wherever you can. Fold them all. Then things will not be scattered all over the house.
7. They medlyatVam brought something new from the store? Throw away packaging today! Do not delay taking out the trash on "later».
8. They clean the kitchen while gotovkiZvuchit, of course, trite and obvious, but none of this rule usually does not comply. But what prevents clean chopping board, until the chicken is cooked in the oven? Who prevents a colander to wash immediately after using it?
Put the oven on a timer, and clean up after yourself! It is so easy and saves a lot of time and nerves then!
9. They think about the purity before snomAkkuratno fold the blanket on the couch. Fold the "street" slippers to the cart or put in a specially designated place for it. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
When you wake up in the morning, you'll see that the house is clean. And you get the opportunity to start the day without too much stress.
10. They plan zaraneeOrganizovannye chistyuli able to use applications for the list of purchases in the store. They know that it ended in a refrigerator. And go shopping in a strictly allotted time. This procedure not only calms the nerves, but also allows you to not buy garbage heap.
11. They eat in bed with tarelkamiEsli you are watching TV, and you itch to eat a sandwich right now, do it. Just put it on the first plate.
Otherwise, from the crumbs in bed and not get rid of around will never happen. By the way, if you keep the house package of paper plates, some snacks and did not leave any trace.
12. They do a general cleaning once every two nedeliEto when you have to clean everything.. Skirting boards, doors, curtains, wash windows, disassemble things of shuflyady etc. Just decide what you will do it on a schedule. Otherwise, you would not do ever!
And another little secret: "pure" does not mean "perfect". This means: "sufficiently clear". No need to always try to keep in the house perfect order.
«Average» order will be enough. via lifter.com.ua/post/1685

1. People who always order the house every day shrouded his krovatHoroshaya habit. Correct. It gives the right mood for the whole day. And help yourself to stop hating each time you come into the bedroom at the end of a hard day.
2. They use a vacuum cleaner pravilnoEsli you have children or pets, you probably spend a lot of time cleaning and washing floors. And not only them.
In fact, the vacuum cleaner should be able to use correctly. This means brushing with it all: thumbs: curtains, lamps, coffee tables, mirrors, window sills, televisions. Not only floors.
Children and animal dander and dust left behind everywhere. Not only on the floor. Vacuums for this and have come up with. Forget these his "rags to dust." Actively use the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner.
3. They dismantled the dishwasher on utramPostaraytes find 15 minutes to disassemble and dishwasher in the morning. Then you do not have to spend time at the end of the day, before preparing dinner.
4. They washed in a strictly defined denDazhe families with several children, there is no need to wash things daily. You can try to do this ritual, for example, to wash every Sunday from 16 to 22 hours
. This graph will not only make your home to put things in the laundry basket, but also give you a sense of freedom from self-blame. You can sit on a weekday evening in front of TV and "sweating" that you want to load / parse stiralku.
5. They clean the refrigerator once a nedelyuRech not talking about "spring cleaning." Yet sometimes it is necessary to look into the fridge. At least in order to know that the house is still there, and you need to save.
Once a week, look into the fridge with one simple purpose: to throw away everything that is not edible and wipe any stains from potekshih products before they are covered with mold
6.. They are not greedy to buy korzinKorziny and baskets - great way to fold and organize different things. Arrange them wherever you can. Fold them all. Then things will not be scattered all over the house.
7. They medlyatVam brought something new from the store? Throw away packaging today! Do not delay taking out the trash on "later».
8. They clean the kitchen while gotovkiZvuchit, of course, trite and obvious, but none of this rule usually does not comply. But what prevents clean chopping board, until the chicken is cooked in the oven? Who prevents a colander to wash immediately after using it?
Put the oven on a timer, and clean up after yourself! It is so easy and saves a lot of time and nerves then!
9. They think about the purity before snomAkkuratno fold the blanket on the couch. Fold the "street" slippers to the cart or put in a specially designated place for it. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
When you wake up in the morning, you'll see that the house is clean. And you get the opportunity to start the day without too much stress.
10. They plan zaraneeOrganizovannye chistyuli able to use applications for the list of purchases in the store. They know that it ended in a refrigerator. And go shopping in a strictly allotted time. This procedure not only calms the nerves, but also allows you to not buy garbage heap.
11. They eat in bed with tarelkamiEsli you are watching TV, and you itch to eat a sandwich right now, do it. Just put it on the first plate.
Otherwise, from the crumbs in bed and not get rid of around will never happen. By the way, if you keep the house package of paper plates, some snacks and did not leave any trace.
12. They do a general cleaning once every two nedeliEto when you have to clean everything.. Skirting boards, doors, curtains, wash windows, disassemble things of shuflyady etc. Just decide what you will do it on a schedule. Otherwise, you would not do ever!
And another little secret: "pure" does not mean "perfect". This means: "sufficiently clear". No need to always try to keep in the house perfect order.
«Average» order will be enough. via lifter.com.ua/post/1685
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