What's interesting we have today? Yes, not so little
1066 - put into operation Westminster Abbey. Such a church in the Gothic style of the sunset from the palace of the same name. What is it such? By tradition, crowned here, and at the end of life's journey, funeral English monarchs. But makes an exception for simple decent people. Here are buried the founder of modern English literature Geoffrey Chaucer, Tennyson, Dickens and other famous writers. By the way, it was built by Edward Ispovednikom.Stary was already in Rome to the Pope to go on that ground he refused to replace the promised otgrohat Church of St. Peter. That's it from 1052 by 1065 and build. It is the foundation of the abbey. Although during this time it could be half a dozen times to throw wild boar in Rome and come back ...
1854 - foundation elephant party, that is to say, the Republican, in SShA.Kstati-way. It is based suprotiv slavery, he expressed the interests of the industrialists of the North. Who now remembers about it ... Well, the attitude towards this issue was a kind of elephants, besides the land in the West, suitable for development, they were distributed as free, when in fact they belonged to the Indians. Well, who are interested in the little things ...
Today reject the idea of a global potepleniyadeskat, it is all the machinations of Republicans
1913 - Niels Bohr offers a new model of the atom in which the electrons revolve around the nucleus in a stationary circular orbits, but the laws of classical physics do not obey. He received the Nobel. What now? How do you say ... rethink the theory. Today in honor quantum. It explains a lot of things better. What will happen next - we'll see
1935 - invented nylon. Incidentally, the first synthetic fiber. Podsuetilis American Wallace Hume Carothers of the central laboratory of the company "Du Pont de Nemours." Something in his life did not develop, and a year later he darted from the window of the laboratory and the dead. Stockings first appeared in 1939, and after some six months, during one of the sales in New York for the day it was sold five million pairs ...