Modest income Madame Tymoshenko
During 2015, Yulia Tymoshenko declared the total income of a little more than seventy-five thousand hryvnia. Tellingly, she is also a "wheel-less" - do not have cars Tymoshenko.
But that would be all the little things, for this kind of Jesuit quirks we kind of got used to and even do not pay attention. If it were not for one "but." Painfully regularly fiery Julia begins to flash in the news. That image will change radically. That chastise someone to the fullest extent from the pages SMI.To here is a trifle with a combined income of both infopovod uses.
It seems that back Ms Tymoshenko in a real fight. And I would not like. And without it, everything is very difficult, but as Ms. ex-prime minister is able to aggravate the situation, we are very well pomnim.Ne necessary, Julia ...
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