The most highly paid musicians of the world - 2014
American Forbes December 10, presented an annual ranking of the most highly paid musicians in the world. Income musicians estimated at between June 2013 till June 2014. Were taken into account as earnings from professional activities (sales records, attributes, fees for live performances) and on personal business enterprises artists. In the collection of information involved agents, lawyers, producers and other music insiders industrii.1. Dr. Dre
Revenue: $ 620 million
Age: 49Izvestny rapper-producer earned fold more than their counterparts on the music shop thanks sverhudachnym deal - the company Beats, which is a co-founder Dr. Dre, for $ 3 billion was acquired by Apple. Rapper himself perepalo $ 620 million - and not far off, probably, the emergence of "doctor" in the ranking of billionaires Forbes. At the same time new records Dr. Dre has not issued since the beginning of the "zero", although rumors of a new album of an artist no utihayut.2. Beyonce Knowles
Revenue: $ 115 million
Age: 33Beyonse for the year gave 95 concerts with average revenues of $ 2, 4 million for the presentation, without any campaign released a new album, sold over 1 million copies, and also starred in the Pepsi commercial and H & M. Popularity of pop divas and adds her personal life: her husband is a singer-producer rapper Jay-Z, the couple was already born pervenets.3. The Eagles
Income: $ 100 mlnVeterany American rock scene and the authors of the hit Hotel California less than their younger counterparts, get on the cover of the tabloids, but remain more cash artists. Fantastic income group brings long-awaited concert tour, which met with excitement the audience in the US, and fees from the documentary "The History of The Eagles». Musicians will continue a series of live performances in 2015, M.4. Bon Jovi
Salary: $ 82 mlnEsche some rockers from New Jersey at the top of the rankings, Bon Jovi also got the main income from live performances - they tour Because We Can Tour collected cash of $ 250 million. As far as earnings fall actors with the completion of the tour, difficult to predict. Team leader Jon Bon Jovi has been actively involved in charity deyatelnostyu.5. Bruce Springstin
Revenue: $ 81 million
Age: 65Esche one iconic US actor returned to music Forbes ranking after four years of absence. All thanks to the first during this period concert tour, which met with enthusiasm American audience. In January 2014, Springsteen also released 18th studio albom.6. Justin Biber
Revenue: $ 80 million
Age: 20 letKanadsky singer for the year experienced a series of scandals reputation and became a regular character tabloids. But commercial success does not leave Bieber - thanks to the concert activities and sales records he earned a record $ 80 million. Artist also remains out of reach in the status of the most popular social media artist - one only "tweet" on his account signed by tens of millions of young fans, which guarantees reklamodateley.7 interest. One Direction
Salary: $ 75 mlnBoyz band, knit producer Simon Cowell of British graduate "American Idol" is incredibly popular among teenage audiences on both sides of the ocean. Their latest album debuted at the top line of the Billboard 200, and the single Story of My Life gained multiplatinum status.8. Paul Makkartni
Revenue: $ 71 million
Age: 72Ser Paul McCartney continues an active concert and recording new albums, despite his advanced age. However, the years have an effect: recently due to illness legendary musician was forced to cancel the show in Yaponii.9. Calvin Harris
Revenue: $ 66 million
Age: 30Samy commercially successful DJ in the world this year, Harris worked for wear: During the reporting period, he played at least 125 sets on the best venues in the world and released their fourth studio album. In addition to solo performances bring significant revenues artist collaborations with pop stars Rihanna scale, Katy Perry and Ellie Gulding.10. Toby Keyt
Revenue: $ 65 million
Age: 53Samy popular country music artist in the world continues to earn tens of millions of dollars in concert activities and participation in a variety of related business enterprises, such as participation in the advertising campaign, Ford, release records on the label Show Dog and expanding restaurant chain I Love This Bar And Grill.
Source: www.forbes.ru/forbeslife-photogallery/dosug/275415-samye-vysokooplachivaemye-muzykanty-mira-2014-reiting-forbes/photo/1

Revenue: $ 620 million
Age: 49Izvestny rapper-producer earned fold more than their counterparts on the music shop thanks sverhudachnym deal - the company Beats, which is a co-founder Dr. Dre, for $ 3 billion was acquired by Apple. Rapper himself perepalo $ 620 million - and not far off, probably, the emergence of "doctor" in the ranking of billionaires Forbes. At the same time new records Dr. Dre has not issued since the beginning of the "zero", although rumors of a new album of an artist no utihayut.2. Beyonce Knowles
Revenue: $ 115 million
Age: 33Beyonse for the year gave 95 concerts with average revenues of $ 2, 4 million for the presentation, without any campaign released a new album, sold over 1 million copies, and also starred in the Pepsi commercial and H & M. Popularity of pop divas and adds her personal life: her husband is a singer-producer rapper Jay-Z, the couple was already born pervenets.3. The Eagles

Income: $ 100 mlnVeterany American rock scene and the authors of the hit Hotel California less than their younger counterparts, get on the cover of the tabloids, but remain more cash artists. Fantastic income group brings long-awaited concert tour, which met with excitement the audience in the US, and fees from the documentary "The History of The Eagles». Musicians will continue a series of live performances in 2015, M.4. Bon Jovi

Salary: $ 82 mlnEsche some rockers from New Jersey at the top of the rankings, Bon Jovi also got the main income from live performances - they tour Because We Can Tour collected cash of $ 250 million. As far as earnings fall actors with the completion of the tour, difficult to predict. Team leader Jon Bon Jovi has been actively involved in charity deyatelnostyu.5. Bruce Springstin

Revenue: $ 81 million
Age: 65Esche one iconic US actor returned to music Forbes ranking after four years of absence. All thanks to the first during this period concert tour, which met with enthusiasm American audience. In January 2014, Springsteen also released 18th studio albom.6. Justin Biber

Revenue: $ 80 million
Age: 20 letKanadsky singer for the year experienced a series of scandals reputation and became a regular character tabloids. But commercial success does not leave Bieber - thanks to the concert activities and sales records he earned a record $ 80 million. Artist also remains out of reach in the status of the most popular social media artist - one only "tweet" on his account signed by tens of millions of young fans, which guarantees reklamodateley.7 interest. One Direction

Salary: $ 75 mlnBoyz band, knit producer Simon Cowell of British graduate "American Idol" is incredibly popular among teenage audiences on both sides of the ocean. Their latest album debuted at the top line of the Billboard 200, and the single Story of My Life gained multiplatinum status.8. Paul Makkartni

Revenue: $ 71 million
Age: 72Ser Paul McCartney continues an active concert and recording new albums, despite his advanced age. However, the years have an effect: recently due to illness legendary musician was forced to cancel the show in Yaponii.9. Calvin Harris

Revenue: $ 66 million
Age: 30Samy commercially successful DJ in the world this year, Harris worked for wear: During the reporting period, he played at least 125 sets on the best venues in the world and released their fourth studio album. In addition to solo performances bring significant revenues artist collaborations with pop stars Rihanna scale, Katy Perry and Ellie Gulding.10. Toby Keyt

Revenue: $ 65 million
Age: 53Samy popular country music artist in the world continues to earn tens of millions of dollars in concert activities and participation in a variety of related business enterprises, such as participation in the advertising campaign, Ford, release records on the label Show Dog and expanding restaurant chain I Love This Bar And Grill.
Source: www.forbes.ru/forbeslife-photogallery/dosug/275415-samye-vysokooplachivaemye-muzykanty-mira-2014-reiting-forbes/photo/1
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