"If you are - be the first!"
If you have - be first,
The first, whoever you were.
Of the songs - the best songs,
From books - real books
. Be the first and only!
Foam, like the sea.
Better the second artist
The first painter.
They will ask you dismayed:
"Who, then, will remain,
If everything will be the first,
Who will go to the closing? »
And you do not listen to the cowardly,
You like them blow away the foam,
If you have - it is the best,
If you have - be the first
! If you have - try
The bitterness of green shoots,
Trying on, touch
Great wear first.
How is the inevitable
Shoulder it on his shoulders.
If you have - be first,
The first is more difficult and easier!
Robert Rozhdestvensky
Preview: Alexander Komarov
via vk.com/komarov_aleks
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