I passed it's time to open T-shirts
< Alexander Oleshko
I passed it's time to open shirts
The wind tries to blow through
It is - as if walking
In fact, looking for life
axis She recognized every day
love Flowers painted wall in the apartment
She is slim, but nice heels
Remind pain in the calf - the body is perishable
Parents are tired of talking about the wedding
Girlfriends bear fruit in the second round
It reads in
original Weller And looking for the third eye and conjures spirits
It is complacent and modest
Her gait - as if the world call
When I sit down somewhere near the window
Reading a book or writing ... to the extent
Oh how sad monogamy
As exorcists lied quarter century
As if the world for her - it
veil And her mind is forever demanding answers
Confucius would have said about such
人 贵 有 自知之明 (Ren gui yu chi-chi-chi-min)
She challenged him would still
And every day is Qi and drinking wine
Somehow she had met me
I did not want to - it happened then was an outcast
Such a "sociopath" in the wounded horse
What jumps and powered by its own howl
She gave me something that does not understand
You can not smell it and touch
I know - no return reverse
I feel that is important not the station, important road
I passed it's time to open shirts
The wind tries to blow through
It is - as if walking
In fact, looking for life
axis She recognized every day
love Flowers painted wall in the apartment
She is slim, but nice heels
Remind pain in the calf - the body is perishable
Parents are tired of talking about the wedding
Girlfriends bear fruit in the second round
It reads in
original Weller And looking for the third eye and conjures spirits
It is complacent and modest
Her gait - as if the world call
When I sit down somewhere near the window
Reading a book or writing ... to the extent
Oh how sad monogamy
As exorcists lied quarter century
As if the world for her - it
veil And her mind is forever demanding answers
Confucius would have said about such
人 贵 有 自知之明 (Ren gui yu chi-chi-chi-min)
She challenged him would still
And every day is Qi and drinking wine
Somehow she had met me
I did not want to - it happened then was an outcast
Such a "sociopath" in the wounded horse
What jumps and powered by its own howl
She gave me something that does not understand
You can not smell it and touch
I know - no return reverse
I feel that is important not the station, important road