10 useless but popular "healthy habits". Some are even harmful!
Site gives examples of improper behavior that is widespread. It should be noted that many behavioral habits, which we never pay attention, in fact, ever been imposed on us marketologami.1. Work stand stolom
Studies have not found any benefit from the use of standing desks - not for a figure or health. The only thing you can achieve by working standing up - this is varicose veins
2.. Using a disinfectant for ruk
Norovirus and C. difficile, the two most common virus are resistant to disinfectant gel, so there is no point once again to water the hands of harmful chemicals. Simply wash them with soap.
3. Avoiding mikrovolnovok
Microwave oven when cooking food in the store more nutrients than usual.
4. Eating fresh soka
Freshly squeezed juice contains a lot of sugar in its pure form, while in the fruit has a useful fiber that helps correct assimilation of food. It is better to eat the whole orange, rather than squeeze the juice out of it.
5. The retention of breath after someone chihnul
It's useless. Speed sneezing person - 4, 5 m / s, so that you have inhaled all of the harmful bacteria. It is hoped that the beneficial bacteria living in your throat, to cope with them.
6. Admission vitamins and multivitaminov
Many years of research have failed to prove the benefit of receiving extra vitamins. Man enough nutrients from food, so save your money.
7. Avoiding zhirov
The cause of obesity - overeating. By itself, the fat is useful and necessary, in contrast, by the way, from the refined sugar. Sweet fat yogurt will not do you any good, but oily sea fish rich in unsaturated fat, will unconditionally beneficial effect on health.
8. Detox diety
You already have everything you need to detoxify the body - it is your kidneys and liver. Passion for new-fangled diets may be useful except as a hobby.
9. Using the pads on unitaz
We do not urge you to abandon the paper pads in public toilets, if you visit them after a nasty strangers. Just know that they are useless. Viruses are not living outside the living body, so that by the time of your "landing" they have long been dead, and the bacteria will not cause you any harm - in order, and there is your own protective microflora
10.. Use only belka
We mean the egg white. The cholesterol contained in egg yolks, has no effect on cholesterol levels in your blood, of course, if you do not have this heart disease.
via factroom.ru

Studies have not found any benefit from the use of standing desks - not for a figure or health. The only thing you can achieve by working standing up - this is varicose veins
2.. Using a disinfectant for ruk

Norovirus and C. difficile, the two most common virus are resistant to disinfectant gel, so there is no point once again to water the hands of harmful chemicals. Simply wash them with soap.
3. Avoiding mikrovolnovok

Microwave oven when cooking food in the store more nutrients than usual.
4. Eating fresh soka

Freshly squeezed juice contains a lot of sugar in its pure form, while in the fruit has a useful fiber that helps correct assimilation of food. It is better to eat the whole orange, rather than squeeze the juice out of it.
5. The retention of breath after someone chihnul

It's useless. Speed sneezing person - 4, 5 m / s, so that you have inhaled all of the harmful bacteria. It is hoped that the beneficial bacteria living in your throat, to cope with them.
6. Admission vitamins and multivitaminov

Many years of research have failed to prove the benefit of receiving extra vitamins. Man enough nutrients from food, so save your money.
7. Avoiding zhirov

The cause of obesity - overeating. By itself, the fat is useful and necessary, in contrast, by the way, from the refined sugar. Sweet fat yogurt will not do you any good, but oily sea fish rich in unsaturated fat, will unconditionally beneficial effect on health.
8. Detox diety

You already have everything you need to detoxify the body - it is your kidneys and liver. Passion for new-fangled diets may be useful except as a hobby.
9. Using the pads on unitaz

We do not urge you to abandon the paper pads in public toilets, if you visit them after a nasty strangers. Just know that they are useless. Viruses are not living outside the living body, so that by the time of your "landing" they have long been dead, and the bacteria will not cause you any harm - in order, and there is your own protective microflora
10.. Use only belka

We mean the egg white. The cholesterol contained in egg yolks, has no effect on cholesterol levels in your blood, of course, if you do not have this heart disease.
via factroom.ru