10 best films in the history of the cinema version of directors

Every 10 years, the British magazine Sight & amp; Sound refers to the well-known filmmakers and critics with a request to make a top 10 brilliant films. The last time this survey covered more than a thousand people, among whom were 358 directors including Martin Scorsese, Michael Mann, Quentin Tarantino, Woody Allen, Francis Ford Coppola and others.
< Website strong > brings you the final directing dozens of the most brilliant in the history of films for cinema version of the survey.
Tokyo story Tôkyô monogatari

This piercingly sad story of the eminent Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu. The picture tells the story of the elderly couple who have decided to visit their children, who have not seen for a long time. But it turns out that their children do not really need it, and they selfishly absorbed only career and money. Incredibly sad story will help you to remember that this life is the chief.
2001: A Space Odyssey 2001: A Space Odyssey

Who are we in this vast universe? This question is to find the answer to the crew of the spacecraft SS Discovery, which should explore the nearby region of the galaxy and see why aliens are watching Earth. On the way they face many unexpected discoveries. The film is a story ekranizovannym A. Clark "All" inimitable Stanley Kubrick.
Citizen Kane Citizen Kane

"Citizen Kane" - a film about how a real true American dream and what it resulted in. Kane - the man who ruined the mania of power and greatness, and that spoils sooner or later all people - money. The film was shot 25-year-old prodigy Orson Welles, which is part-wrote the script, I produced the movie and played Caine himself.
8 and a half 8½

The protagonist of history - the director. He is going to make a new film about the salvation of humanity after a nuclear disaster. Decorations set, actors and writers are willing to work. But the hero is in a creative dead end, because I do not know how to shoot and how to be inspired. Recommended surreal work of genius Federico Fellini all creative people.
Taxi Driver Taxi Driver

Travis Bickle, a war veteran, takes a job as a taxi driver on the night shift. Its so amazing is the dirty side of the city, with which he is confronted, he decides to put an end to this. His dream - to purge the city from dirt. The film Martin Scorsese is truly spectacular, challenging and thought-provoking.
Apocalypse Now Apocalypse Now

Perhaps there is no more powerful and more terrible war movie than "Apocalypse Now," Francis Ford Coppola. There surreal horror of war was erected in the square, it is more powerful and emotionally all these paintings. Perhaps this is one of those films that will change your view of the world and its history.
Godfather The Godfather

Well, who has not heard about the most famous American literary crime family - the clan Corleone, invented by Mario Puzo and has become world famous thanks to Francis Ford Coppola, who directed the film of the same name. "The Godfather" is still the best representative of the genre of crime drama, and is perceived by many as a modern Bible.
Vertigo Vertigo

"Vertigo," Alfred Hitchcock has long been almost the underlying film on the theme of self-examination and presentation of the close relationship between illusion and reality. This painting is about unrequited love, of his own ideal of beauty that a person wants to make a reality.

The painting "Mirror" of Andrei Tarkovsky - a work that represents our being, from which we were born and in which found themselves. The film is full and clear, the only question is at what age a person will be able to accept and feel.
Bicycle Thief Ladri di biciclette

The film about the tragedy of the little man: the main character stealing a bicycle. But it can not work without a bicycle. And the hero goes in search of him and his son. It would seem that such an insignificant event, but it's amazing how powerful can be a work of art, served as a simple set of tools, without any intricate artistic techniques, without symbols and allusions.
via www.imdb.com/company/co0072996/
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