A brilliant way to open the car if the keys were left inside

Every motorist once but thought about the question, what if, suddenly, the car keys remain in the cabin. Many keep a second home or a bunch leave their spouses, so that in the event that they could vospolzovatsya.No happen to have a trouble-free way to help in a few seconds to open your car, and Website in a hurry to share it with you !
To do this you need a normal tennis ball. It is necessary to make a small hole with an awl or screwdriver. Let the ball is always in your bag, just in case. Hard to believe, but it is this device, you can open the machine. To do this, lean the ball hole to the keyhole and push with all his strength. Internal pressure has done its work, and lock the car comes off. It turns out that to get into a closed car is not so difficult.
via marketium.ru/otkryt-mashinu/
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