MEDITATION "breath of eternity"

Let's paint the world of today, inspired colors miracle!
I propose to make a small but magical meditation - "Breath of Eternity»
So, let's place comfortably, relax ... and get some!
We are deeply breathe in the peace of the universe, this imbues sigh every cell, every part of us.
Skipping this breath through your loving heart.
Now we share this ecumenical peace with all mankind and the planet - exhale. Peace multiplied: he is in us and around the surrounding area
We wish everyone, all people today, peace and quiet!
And now once again a deep breath - breathe in the joy of the universe, our dear saturate cells, all of himself that feeling
At the same time we miss the breath through your heart!
And exhale share this joy with all of humanity and the whole of our planet!
Let today find joy all those who need it!
Now inhale again - we breathe the love of the universe, saturate yourself with this sense of eternal creation
Skipping through the heart of love. How It rejoices!
And now we share this love with all of humanity and the planet, mother earth!
Let all today all will feel the infinite and unconditional love!
Gently embrace the whole planet, all people, all living things!
Thank you for your co-creation, friends!
Let this day will be bright for ALL!