Ailments of the body during the transformation: what, why and how to cope?

Many of those who are beginning to radically change his life, freed from the constraints of previous consciousness after a while begin to feel the symptoms of transformation. This can be an allergic skin rash, muscle pain, shivering and fever, headaches, meteozavisimost ... Do not be afraid, this is a good process, which means that you are exempt from the very uncomfortable, are incompatible with the energies of you. The main property of these symptoms - waviness: something very bolit- the releases; it knocks the legs- "as a cucumber." If symptoms occur without "respite" - it is a disease that is a serious and sustained immersion in negative emotions (which means - error) which is reflected in the body
Degree of difficulty of transformation depends on several factors:
- The internal device (sensitive nature more difficult);
- How do you "crushed" his freedom for life (ie, the amount of accumulated emotional blocks);
- The process speed - how fast you want to go
- from cosmic radiation
What you need to do to survive these conditions more comfortable?
In cases of acute and unusual discomfort after some realizations and elaborations - it is to understand that you are not sick, and your body will simply "catching up" your consciousness and not to seek frantically "magic pill". We need to do on a regular basis of their resource.
It is vital to exercise "Grounding". Do it regularly and within themselves believe that everything goes.
Walk as much as you would any bad, look at the sky.
Excellent tool restore electro-magnetic balance of the body (and therefore the emotions!) - Salt foot bath. As though it was primitive, but it is the most effective means. You put in front of a candle, foot dip in hot water, where the pre-need to put a decent handful of salt and you can drop a little eucalyptus or peppermint oil. And next - a bucket of cold water. And then a little hot water to pour.
Sit with your back straight and with the thought that you have all the flows in the legs. You feel like simultaneously with exhalation the spine extends warmth and falls down, warming the pelvic area, as if you're sitting in the hot basin, then this hot energy flows under the knees and goes up. And always at the end of this procedure, cold water merge each foot. Vodicka merged - right sock put. And so a few days.
If you have physical strength, it is very good to take bath salt entirely. Not very hot, add to it a pack of ordinary rock salt and aroma oils can be too little, which you are comfortable. And imagine that you are like an octopus release black smoke. You know, the octopus when he is attacked by, a cloud of inky liquid releases? So, imagine that you are lying in the bath, and all the tension, all the unnecessary, disturbing all the love and understanding of you out.
Lie down for 10 minutes and then wash off under running shower, merge all.
Dining at this time should be very light and small portions. If you state a fever, burning sensation, rash, ie dominated by the energy of fire, it must be a minimum sense of taste - eliminate sharp, sour, salty. When a feeling of "dissolving" oneself, on the contrary can help a cup of hot chocolate or soup with a clear taste.
It is necessary to drink plenty of clean water. Well, if it is charged at the snowflakes Masaru Emoto. Scientists have shown that the water is very well remembers the crystal structure. A structured water - it is an active water, and you will be able to balance this water electrolytic processes
At this time, you may not actively interact with people who annoy you. Find a way to at all costs create a space of non-interference. Let everyone around us to behave as they want, and engaged in a.
The most important thing - do not panic. Because if there is physical or emotional symptoms you have and panic, the body is loaded again, and if there is a storm in a teacup.
So, your salvation - the breath of fresh air, water, ground, taking care of yourself and a lack of conviction someone else, the first thing itself
Along with personal transformation at the moment there is a massive transformation, the transformation of the physical fabric of being in a new quality.
Never in the universe was not a world in which physical fabric would be permeated by God, permeated by divine consciousness. And now, for the first time in history, we seem to come back to the divine state and our physical body enveloped outside permeates the fire of the Holy Spirit. In scientific language, this means that from the center of the galaxy, through the sun, the ground for the first time broadcast a fundamentally new energy and the laws of quantum physics began to spread not only to the microcosm, but also in normal life, "the observer" in their attitude generates an event, the power of thought is incomparably increased , it depends on the mood of the living state of matter of a biological object.
Accumulated over the millennia heavy energy destructive programs (hatred of men to women, women to men, race, class conflicts, fear of death, pain and hunger), formed over thousands of years on Earth, have been recorded in the electromagnetic field of the planet, and therefore in our bodies . With each flash in the sun, these energies are not compatible with life and actively transformed through our bodies. Therefore, those who balanced the personal problems can acutely feel the transformation of the planet itself.
What is expressed by activation of the pineal gland symptoms - dizziness, irregular irritability and prostration, "allergic" runny nose and watery eyes, pain in unexpected places
The amazing miracle of human creation in the matter lies in the fact that his physical body at the same time is a cosmic body, and all of our endocrine organs, all of our systems are directly related to hormones, are portals to other dimensions. Therefore, at a time when your body is activated cosmic streams greatest shock wave enters the bodies, which are responsible for hormonal support, namely the numerous head centers (the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland), adrenal glands, ovaries, spleen, pancreas, liver, kidney, . Therefore, it turns out that physically we experience all sorts of unpleasant symptoms. But they are no longer associated with some of your personal mistakes or lessons, but just with a strong movement of energy that is strange body.
The ongoing transformation is also supported by the high solar activity. The energy coming from the sun now - this is the energy of love, harmonizing energy. They are not compatible with the same energy on the planet, and the body is difficult to adapt to them.
Question - why do the majority of people are not sick? Suffer all, but in different ways. Those people who have not yet awakened, just insensitive to high frequencies, and their disease more "ordinary." If you have already started to work with them, if you started to free his mind from the stereotypes if began to try more wisely and kindly look at the people, if you learn to forgive, then your cells radiate a completely different energy than the cells of that person, who pleasure relish gossip neighbors. And your biology pulls like a magnet high frequencies. But because, I repeat, in all bodies have accumulated a lot of old blocks and emotional pain, you physically tough.
The good news is that the power of self-programming increases with the arrival of new energies, so keeping calm and confidence in life, you greatly facilitates the process of transformation itself and renovation of body cells.
The easiest way to experience discomfort, if the maximum relax and say: "Let all proceeds most elegant and easy way. I let flow all the processes with the highest benefit for me and for all. »
Remember that you are not alone. Each of us has a great support team - a team of non-physical beings that are very interested in the fact that our body was all right, that we were as equilibrium. They would never allow something obviously destructive to your body.
If you are very uncomfortable, ask for help from the angels. They are just waiting for our requests, because we are all one. There are many options for the treatment, classical prayers, decrees. When we use the power of the spoken Word, we affect our body's cells. Asking do not need "healing" and peace and faith, because only your emotional state can alleviate painful symptoms.
It is very important at this time to love your body, to thank him. You must understand that the body cells of scary because they first receive this radiation.
Together with the strengthening of energy flow occurs and increased sensitivity of our body, not only to external influences, but also to our thoughts. The body - is reasonable, the most smallest particles - are reasonable, with all you can talk with the cells of the body, too. This information is not yet available in large numbers, but the avant-garde direction scientists already understand. So just believe in it and talk with your body. The effect is tremendous, when you say, "Dear body, calm down, we will go through with you, let's breathe deeply»
You can persuade the cells of your body to take the current process is not as shock therapy, as well as an intensive physical training, explain to them that the disaster does not happen, you just need to adjust to the new divine energy.
And plenty of rest - do not plan in such a state of affairs, do not drive, allow yourself to sleep during the day
It is difficult to give general advice because everything is very individual. You like to see themselves: how do you feel at this time that happens to you ...
But you have entered an era where everything is much easier, one has only to make a choice and trust in nature.
The most important thing - to keep the feeling that everything is okay with us because every thought of anxiety and fear creates a dam and prevents new energy flow through you easily
Bless all that is happening to you, and know that you are - in the gentle hands of the Creator, or Mother of the World. And as each of you is a particle of God, in my heart you know all this.
Love yourself, love your family, love one another, thank life, find every day a sense of calm acceptance of everything that happens. Because only our focus, our attention is directed facilitates the passage of new energies through us, including facilitation of various symptoms.
And believe it - you already have the right to live in another way, it is easier and more magical and life necessarily support you in this!