The artist creates elegant sculptures of animals made of paper
Each of us as a child tried to make at least one paper airplane, or boat crane. At first glance, it seems quite childish pastime. But Calvin Nichols, a talented artist from Toronto (Canada), is engaged in this for 30 years. In his work he uses only scalpels, scissors and glue. What he is doing, of paper, it exceeds all expectations of the possibilities of this simple material.
< Website offers a look and evaluate how the paper comes to life in the paintings of the artist.
To create a work goes from one month to two years. H3>
If you look closely, you will see what she looks in the eyes of the dog. H3>
The artist depicts not only every hairs, but also conveys emotions. H3>
To create a figure, first made a hard skeleton that describes the contours of the future figures. He gives the sculpture strength, and it has already mounted major fine details. H3>
Wings -. Especially complicated by elements h3>
To sculpture looked volume, paper strips tightly stacked in multiple layers. H3>
When an artist works with the white paper, it is important to consider planting depth every detail that it would produce the desired shade. H3>
For work "Bird of Paradise" Calvin received the award. H3>
The king of beasts. H3>
«My passion for wildlife, nature, photography, design, sculpture, light and shadows converged at one point - in my work. When I started in 1980, I did not think would look like my work of 30 years. » H3>
< Website offers a look and evaluate how the paper comes to life in the paintings of the artist.