An objective view of the world

We constantly draw conclusions about the world around us. But even with the best intentions and with all due diligence, we perceive the world is biased. All that we see and realize, passes through the filter of our beliefs, experiences and expectations. Although our subconscious judgments may seem minor, effects of our implicit attitudes can be quite substantial.
What is implicit installation?
Implicit setting, also known as implicit social cognition has to do with stereotypes and attitudes affect our perception of the world. In contrast to the explicit attitudes or prejudices implicit installations exist in the unconscious. While a person can hide their bias in favor of political correctness, rooted deep within our mind beliefs are not available.
Many interacting factors beyond the stage where we are trying to determine the source of our implicit attitudes. We are not born with our beliefs and experiences, rather we have been taught and customized from different angles, such as family life, friends, neighbors and the media. Starting from 6 years old, we are able to transform ideas into internal external, and over the years this ability is enhanced.
Logically, we tend to have an implicit setting approving our group - that is, people who are most like us in the family, race, ethnicity, class and other demographic characteristics - but according to the results of research it is clear that we also have a setup against our group. The reason for this may be a violation of the relationship between individuals in the group.
Understanding our plants
The most promising feature of implicit attitudes, revealed Kirwan Institute is their pliability. Although the process of studying the subconscious beliefs, of course, gradually, there is reassuring feeling that change is possible.
The first step in combating the negative implicit attitudes is the awareness of their existence. To open yourself to new experiences, first need to understand what we believe really.
Ask yourself
Interviewing randomized 1951 people in 2015, researchers found some basic recurring symptoms, which can be used to determine the implicit setting.
CNN and the Kaiser Family Foundation developed the questions that will help shed light on our implicit installation. For example, one of your three best friends? A large percentage of respondents, particularly among white two thousandth generation, pointed out that most of the people with whom they communicate, belongs to the same race. Awareness - the first step to change.
Next Step
These questions are the starting point for the study of the areas in which our social perceptions may be clouded by internal prejudices. In the process of self-examination, we should also reflect on the people and events in our lives, we have on the most influence. Our views are generated in our environment.
No one is free from the implicit units. Even those who are on duty is required to be impartial (for example, a judge), are exposed to his subconscious. Although overt prejudices usually condemned in today's society, the implicit units have a significant impact on our daily lives. To change the world, we must change ourselves.
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