In gratitude, the daughter of his father gave him his first journey in life
Photographer Iwona Pinkovichi (Iwona Pinkowicz) was born in a Polish village. Her father had to work very hard to provide for his family, and all his life he never left outside Poland. But he had a dream - to travel. Yvon has found a way to thank his father for his hard work and dedicated to him one of his projects.
It was an unusual photo project: Ivona gave my dad the journey, which he dreamed. h3>
His sense of adventure she had inherited from her father. He always wanted to go to other countries. H3>
«Through his work I travel a lot». h3>
«I decided it was time to take the pope in his first journey in life," - says Iwona. h3>
«He had to work hard, sometimes two jobs to provide us». h3>
«At the beginning of the year, we have booked tickets for a flight to Singapore and asked the Pope to fly with us». h3>
«I got the idea to do a little photo project about the first celebration of my father». h3>
«He was happy to take part in it». h3>
«Father anxiously waiting for our journey». h3>
«This is an amazing feeling - to watch him when he first sees and tries something!» h3>
«rejoices even the most simple things, such as when simply relaxing in the swimming pool». h3>
«Walk along the sandy beach and watching the sun set into the sea - it was a completely new experience for him». h3>
«I wish that this story has inspired you to devote more time to my family». h3>
«It's one of the most beautiful experiences in my life!» h3>