It is easy to get rid of the fog a mirror in the bathroom

Who does not irritate the steamy mirror? Out of the shower, you have to brush your teeth, or anything else, but here - muddy film and nothing vidno.Est simple tool that does not require any additional cost and easily solves this problem. Website happy to share it with you.
Soap against misting h2> Clean the mirror - is not only beautiful, but also comfortable.
All you need - a piece of conventional solid soap. On a dry surface of the mirror throughout the draw soap small squares or strips.
First, the mirror is cloudy ...
It is necessary to rub the soap with a soft cloth squares. Wipe thoroughly dry the soap until it has completely disappeared from the surface.
The result - a shining glass without streaks. Thanks to this trick bathroom mirror will not fog up under any circumstances!
Soap helps prevent fogging of glasses in the winter! With the glasses do this: apply a little soap and rub with a cloth. Impeccably!
Even diving mask can protect from fogging with soap!
We hope you enjoy this simple and effective means of glasses from fogging. Website I wish your home coziness and family warmth!
via takprosto.cc/mylo-protiv-zapotevaniya-stekol/
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