This will happen if the smear soap mirror. I appreciated the bag of tricks!
< steamy mirror often upsets me. When the bathroom is warm and humid, themselves are not considered, and after wiping the glass becomes opaque long ...
If you are familiar with this unpleasant feeling, take advantage of a proven technique! It works immediately and leaves the mirror in the bathroom the cleanest in the long term, protecting it from fogging
Soap against misting
If you are familiar with this unpleasant feeling, take advantage of a proven technique! It works immediately and leaves the mirror in the bathroom the cleanest in the long term, protecting it from fogging
Soap against misting
- Clean the mirror -. It is not only beautiful but also convenient. To the glass remained the same unclouded even after hours spent in the warmth of the soul, we can take advantage of this brilliant idea ...
All you need - a piece of conventional Solid soaps
First, the mirror will be cloudy ...
It is necessary to grind the squares of soap with a soft cloth. Wipe thoroughly dry the soap until it completely disappears from the surface.
Result - shining glass without streaks. This trick bathroom mirror will not fog up under any circumstances!
Soap helps prevent fogging of glasses in the winter! From glasses do this: apply a little bit of soap and rub with a cloth. Perfectly!
Even a mask for snorkeling can be secured by misting with soap!
The best and very easy an anti-fogging glasses of different kinds can always find in the house! Now the bathroom mirror will only show a clear reflection, do not forget to smile, looking at him. If you useful this technique, show it to your friends!
Express Mask "Vyruchalka". This salvation for the skin on the eve of important events!
How to remove scars using natural remedies. For my skin is salvation!