9 natural fragrances that can change our mood

Natural flavors and essential oils of plants and flowers have long been known for its beneficial properties. Alone or in the composition of odors can alter our physical or emotional condition.
Website offers to learn more about the wonders, which they are capable.
Lavender h3> Fast recover from stressful experiences helps lavender oil. The aroma of fresh floral notes reduces anxiety, helps to relax the nervous system.
Works etani in the composition: Lavender , lemon, orange, bergamot, chamomile, patchouli, vanilla, ylang-ylang.
incense h3> This tree extract resin has amazing properties. The aroma of essential oils of frankincense helps eliminate anxiety, fear , gives a sense of inner peace.
The combination of the composition: Ladan , chamomile (Roman), cedar, jasmine, neroli, lavender, patchouli, rose, sandalwood.
Bergamot h3> Bergamot wonderful plant, whose fruit look like pears, but in fact are related to oranges. The aroma bergamot oil - pungent, mysterious, with a slight spicy tone - creates a sense of celebration and helps to cope with a sad mood.
The combination of the composition: bergamot, lavender, chamomile (Roman), sage, incense, grapefruit, lemon, jasmine, sandalwood.
Rosemary h3> The best remedy for fatigue - afford to relax, but it is not always possible. For some time, will help rejuvenate the aroma of rosemary
The combination of the composition: Rosemary , basil, bergamot, ginger, lemon, jasmine, grapefruit, patchouli.
Chamomile (Roman) h3> The aroma of Roman chamomile - warm, sweet, herbaceous, with notes of apple. Releases excitement and irritability , improves the quality of sleep, making it deeper and more relaxed.
The combination of the composition: Chamomile (Roman) , lavender, mandarin, sandalwood.
Grapefruit h3> The scent of grapefruit activates the brain, elevates mood, encouraging and gives confidence, and promotes successful business contacts.
The combination of the composition: Grapefruit, bergamot, cypress, jasmine, orange, rosemary.
rose h3> The aroma of roses helps to eliminate the feeling of tightness, isolation
The combination of the composition: Rose, Chamomile (Roman), bergamot, sage, incense.
Basil h3> If you have to work associated with storing large amounts of information, it is best to use a fragrance, like basil. The essential oil of basil - excellent means of improving memory.
The combination of the composition: Basil, cypress, lemon, peppermint, rosemary.
Ylang-Ylang h3> Ylang-ylang essential oil is called love, intensifying sexual attraction
The combination of the composition: Ylang-Ylang, sage, jasmine, patchouli, rose, sandalwood and vanilla.
The existing diversity of flavors, you may find your own - that causes you the most positive associations. The main thing when working with flavors of moderation, not too concentrated solutions do not inhale them too often. And do not forget that aromatherapy is only an auxiliary means of correction of emotions.
According to the materials: Aromaterapy
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