Needles in recipes of traditional medicine.

A restorative infusion: mash in a mortar pine needles with a small amount of cold boiled water. Then add as much boiling water, the ratio of coniferous needles and water was 1:10. The solution was acidified with lemon or citric acid, boil for 20-30 minutes, leave for 3 hours, strain and take as a fortifying agent, 2 times a day after meals for half or a third cup.
Vitamin drink: 100g nastrizhennoy needles pour liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the heat, leave for an hour, add 1 teaspoon of honey, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. The drink is rich in vitamin C and other trace elements, has a bactericidal effect, accelerates the healing of the flu, colds.
Healing Ointment: prepare a decoction of the needles (10-20g needles grind in a mortar or a dipper, pour a glass of water and bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes on low heat, then remove from heat, let cool and strain). Then bring the liquid by evaporation to half the original volume and melt it in lard. The resulting mixture, cover with a lid and place a few hours in a warm oven. Then Put it in a jar. This ointment is very good for scrapes, bruises, abscesses, ulcers.
Aromatic bath: brew in boiling water and crushed pine needles young twigs, insist half an hour, strain and add the infusion into the bath with hot water. Take a bath for 15 minutes. This procedure tones, strengthens the heart and nervous system, normalizes metabolism, helps to restore power.
Coniferous broom has on the powerful healing and cosmetic effect. Vigorous massage broom so pat, tapotement knead muscles and biologically active substances present in the needles, increase health benefits. To hard broom does not have any scratches on the body, it steamed in boiling water for 10 minutes, then pine needles become more gentle.
Healing spruce "honey" has many healing properties and is useful for pneumonia and bronchitis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, anemia, and loss of strength, colds.
Young shoots of spruce, pine, fir harvested no later than mid-May, washed in cold water and dry on a towel. Then the needles are placed in a glass jar: needles layer, a layer of sugar and so on, up to the top. The last layer - sugar. At the 5-liter jar it takes about 1, 5 kg of sugar. Leave the jar overnight and in the morning needles and sugar in a pot and stir with a wooden spoon, tying the neck of banks with gauze, put in the sun. Insist ten days. Thus needles gradually rises, and the juice remains below. On the eleventh day, the juice is poured into the bottle, tightly stoppered, kept at room temperature. Spruce "honey" is added to the tea or hot water, drink 2-3 times a day.
Bronchitis and pneumonia can make a medicinal drink: 5 table spoons of crushed pine needles mixed with 3 tablespoons of chopped dried rose hips, pour 0, 8 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, insist 4-5 hours, drain. Drink the liquid in place (daily dose), if desired, adding honey and lemon.
You can also cook softwood water: a handful of pine needles (about 30-50g) pour 2l of water, add 1 tablespoon chopped onion peel and 1 teaspoon of licorice root powder, simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, then put 2 tablespoons of rosehips and boil another minute. Infuse a blanket or in a thermos for 10-12 hours. Strain and drink without limitation (can be up to 2 l per day). This drink saturates the body with vitamins, removes "toxins", strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of many diseases.