How to survive in a shipwreck: tips Alain Bombard, a specialist in survival
Alain Bombard was a doctor on duty at the hospital Boulogne when there priezli 43 sailors - victims of a shipwreck at the mall Carnot. None of them did not save udalos.
Alain reproached himself for having nothing could do for them. He began to collect information on shipwrecks. It was found that 90% of the victims died within the first three days after the shipwreck. But for this time, no hunger, no thirst can not kill a man ?!
In 1952, Bombard decided on an unusual experiment simulating a shipwreck, he rescue rubber boat goes to the solitary voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. He did not have no water, no food.
During voluntary Bombard wandering lost weight 25 kg. He got off the skin in shreds, fell toenails. He reached the shore with severe anemia and hemoglobin levels, from close to death. But to prove that a person is able to survive months at sea without any means.
Website publishes tips Alain Bombard survival, which can be useful to anyone who has ever traveled by sea (or planning to do so).
1. Seawater can drink h3> It is believed that without water a person can survive no more than 10 days. However, you can use sea water, but no more than five consecutive days, otherwise you can ruin the kidneys. Then you need to take a break for at least three days, then the cycle can be repeated.
2. Fresh water can be extracted from fish h3> Ocean fish consists of fresh water by 80%. To remove this water, you need to cut the meat into small pieces and squeeze out the liquid. It will turn manure from fat and juice, nasty taste, but fresh. The body of large fish can make incisions and immediately drink the juice. To provide themselves with water, enough to catch three pounds of fish per day.
3. Hooks for fishing can be made from the bones of the fish h3> ... and meat - bait. The fish can be eaten raw, but you can jerk the sun, pre-gutted.
4. To prevent scurvy, should eat plankton h3> You can catch it on the toe of the usual rope. It tastes like a shrimp, it's better to raw fish.
5. Rely on yourself! H3> no illusions. If shipwrecked - immediately moves into action to ensure survival. For passenger ships, the most important thing - the schedule, it is even more important than a human life, so they can meet you, to pretend not to notice, and sail past.
6. Think carefully about how you submit a signal about yourself, if you meet the ship h3> Depending on the resources that you have, you can semaphore mirror, whistle to whistle, to shoot a pistol, waving his arms and yelling loudly
7. Do not remove clothing, even if it is wet h3> Wet clothes still keeps the warmth of your body, so you need the middle of the ocean.
8. Sharks are not so dangerous h3> They can not afford to bite the rubber boat, it's like that for you - a soccer ball bite. If you are plagued by a shark, try to hit her in the face with a paddle - is its scare. Seriously.
9. Exercise every day h3> If your boat is subject to somehow warm up - do not miss it. Without exercise you in danger of a sharp deterioration in health and digestive problems. But it goes into the water, of course, it is not necessary.

Alain reproached himself for having nothing could do for them. He began to collect information on shipwrecks. It was found that 90% of the victims died within the first three days after the shipwreck. But for this time, no hunger, no thirst can not kill a man ?!
In 1952, Bombard decided on an unusual experiment simulating a shipwreck, he rescue rubber boat goes to the solitary voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. He did not have no water, no food.
During voluntary Bombard wandering lost weight 25 kg. He got off the skin in shreds, fell toenails. He reached the shore with severe anemia and hemoglobin levels, from close to death. But to prove that a person is able to survive months at sea without any means.
Website publishes tips Alain Bombard survival, which can be useful to anyone who has ever traveled by sea (or planning to do so).

1. Seawater can drink h3> It is believed that without water a person can survive no more than 10 days. However, you can use sea water, but no more than five consecutive days, otherwise you can ruin the kidneys. Then you need to take a break for at least three days, then the cycle can be repeated.
2. Fresh water can be extracted from fish h3> Ocean fish consists of fresh water by 80%. To remove this water, you need to cut the meat into small pieces and squeeze out the liquid. It will turn manure from fat and juice, nasty taste, but fresh. The body of large fish can make incisions and immediately drink the juice. To provide themselves with water, enough to catch three pounds of fish per day.
3. Hooks for fishing can be made from the bones of the fish h3> ... and meat - bait. The fish can be eaten raw, but you can jerk the sun, pre-gutted.
4. To prevent scurvy, should eat plankton h3> You can catch it on the toe of the usual rope. It tastes like a shrimp, it's better to raw fish.
5. Rely on yourself! H3> no illusions. If shipwrecked - immediately moves into action to ensure survival. For passenger ships, the most important thing - the schedule, it is even more important than a human life, so they can meet you, to pretend not to notice, and sail past.
6. Think carefully about how you submit a signal about yourself, if you meet the ship h3> Depending on the resources that you have, you can semaphore mirror, whistle to whistle, to shoot a pistol, waving his arms and yelling loudly
7. Do not remove clothing, even if it is wet h3> Wet clothes still keeps the warmth of your body, so you need the middle of the ocean.
8. Sharks are not so dangerous h3> They can not afford to bite the rubber boat, it's like that for you - a soccer ball bite. If you are plagued by a shark, try to hit her in the face with a paddle - is its scare. Seriously.
9. Exercise every day h3> If your boat is subject to somehow warm up - do not miss it. Without exercise you in danger of a sharp deterioration in health and digestive problems. But it goes into the water, of course, it is not necessary.
10. And finally - the message Bombard h3>
«The victims of legendary shipwrecks, died prematurely, I know: you do not kill the sea, you do not kill hunger, thirst does not kill you! Rocking on the waves under the plaintive cries of seagulls, you have died of fear ».
via www.kp.ru/daily/26419.3/3291677/
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