5 ways to decorate Windows for the New year

The decoration of the Windows for the New year may be interesting for both adults and children. Some people prefer to use to purchase decorations, someone makes them yourself. Plastic Windows Voronezh can be arranged in different ways, adhering to the common theme.
The most common jewelry use a regular snowflake cut out of paper. To attach them to glass, don't need to use PVA glue and tape. You can do the usual soap. It is moistened in water and smear them with the wrong side of the snowflake. Thus, after removing them from the window will not remain traces, after which it will be impossible to eliminate. What to use snowflakes, depends on the imagination.
Another pretty simple way is to use regular toothpaste. Stir it a little with water. A good brush can serve as a small piece of foam rubber, which is secured with tape. This "brush" you need to soak in a solution of toothpaste and paint them with different decorations on glass. You can also use stencils with animal figures. To make stencils you can own.
On the transparent glass look of the image in the negative, made with the help of toothpaste. First cut the snowflake out of paper and glued to the window the same way as shown above. After the paste is diluted with water and using a toothbrush sprayed directly on the snowflake. When drawing slightly dries, the snowflake can be removed and the image will remain.
If anyone in the house have the skill of drawing beautiful patterns, you can use it to create real masterpieces on the window. And it does not need to use paint. All you need is ordinary soap with a sharp end.
To decorate the Windows REHAU, using satin ribbons, rain and toys. For example, in the technique of kanzashi can create snowflakes. And using large beads and beads, you can make other interesting scenery. The more imagination, the more original and interesting decorated window.
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