About the "Varyag", downed SU and jingoism

March 1904. Captain Rudnev returned to Russia with a heavy heart. He expects just punishment. His cruiser "Varyag" - flooded, a quarter of the crew were killed, and the survivors - withdrawn from the war. Instead of the obvious solutions to take advantage of speed and, taking the crew "Korean", get away from the Japanese to strengthen the Port Arthur squadron, he chose to fight the vastly superior enemy (in battle, by the way, it turned out that and shoot some of his people were not able to ). Like all top army, Rudnev believed Japs nothing more than monkeys on a leaky pelvis. And because the loss was very offended. Kaperang waited demoted, and perhaps - the court. But in Odessa, he was greeted with flowers! Everywhere he suddenly became a role model. Frenzy of patriotism needed to find a hero. Then no one has learned the main lesson infamous Russian-Japanese War: victory in war does not bring a beautiful sacrifice, and modern weapons, strong rear and a new military thinking. Adopted since the time of Peter as defining strategy thirst for heroic and senseless mass destruction still play a role. And in the first and the second world ...
Somehow, it is remembered now, when the Turks shot down a bomber. Normal school of war (by the way, the troops of the NATO coalition in Iraq suffered the most severe losses on their own), suddenly became a symbol of anything, but not the problems in command. And instead of business showdown with the Turks, and to address once again trumpeting menacingly TV and sofa Patriots sparkling eyes. God grant that in this time there were only a boycott of mango and blouses ...