110th anniversary of the death of the cruiser "Varyag"
February 9, 1904 (January 27 Old Style), the cruiser "Varyag" and gunboat "Korean" clashed with fourteen Japanese ships, which had an overwhelming advantage in weaponry.
But it is necessary to pay attention to real events related with this heroic story.
Cruiser new type
At the end of the XIX century Navy Russia increases rapidly changed quantitatively and qualitatively. In operation, one by one entered the new ships to meet the new demands of the war at sea. Due to the heavy workload of domestic shipyards number of orders placed abroad in France built battleship "Tsarevich" and the cruiser "Bayan", in Germany - the cruiser "Askold", "Novik" and "Hercules" in America - the battleship "Retvizan" and cruiser "Varyag».
Cruiser type of "Bogatyr" is a development of the cruisers of the "Pallas": the transition from "pure" intelligence and "fighters trade" to the ships, capable to fight in the squadron (including armored ships against the enemy).
These new cruisers differed from their predecessors of high speed running and much more powerful artillery weapons. As the main fire on them have been installed 152-mm rapid-fire gun, represents a serious threat even to battleships. The efficiency of these instruments has been proven in the recent Sino-Japanese war and was confirmed in the Russian-Japanese: in the battles at Chemulpo and in the Yellow Sea Russian light cruiser "Varyag" and "Askold" caused serious damage to his armored enemies "Asama" and "Yakumo".
"Varyag" was laid on May 10, 1899 at the shipyard plant "Charles William Cramp and Sons" in Philadelphia, launched on November 1, 1899, in January 1901 he became part of the Russian fleet and 3 May of the same year arrived in Kronstadt. Cruiser was intended to reinforce the Pacific squadron, and so soon traveled to the Far East.
"Varyag" impression. "Outwardly, he was more like a ocean yacht, rather than the battle cruiser. The phenomenon of "Varyag" Kronstadt has been arranged as a spectacular sight. To the sound of a military band at the Grand Raid she entered sleek cruiser in front of dazzling white color. And the morning sun reflected in the nickel-plated gun barrel of the main fire. May 18, acquainted with the "Varyag" came the Emperor Nicholas II. The king was captivated - he even simple assembly builder some flaws "(R.Melnikov).
"In Copenhagen, I was waiting for a new cruiser - creating perfect however, and so tragic. Rare beauty combined it with exceptional training, the enthusiastic crew met his Empress of all the rules of etiquette, manners of his officers were impeccable. He gives a wonderful feeling of restrained strict confidence and strength ... "(Empress Maria Feodorovna on the" Varyag »).
But what is hidden under the elegant appearance of the new ship? What are these "some assembly flaws" simply enchanted Crump Russian autocrat? And what does the word Maria Feodorovna: "Among the ranks of the suite there are rumors that an American who built this perfect miracle deceived the Russian fleet, and if the cruiser has some damage and almost hopeless. I do not know whether it is true they say, but in this case he keeps stoically: for a three-day visit I was not able to notice any signs of the crew familiar with the technical malfunctions bustle and anxiety "?
Under a patent wrapper
Alas, "who walked among the ranks of the suite rumors" were more than justified - indeed Crump passed Russian fleet a real marriage. The new cruiser was considered experimental, the terms of reference have been formulated only in general terms, that opens the door for the "rationalization of thought." And the firm of Charles Crump tried, trying in every way to save money, to get the maximum financial benefit.
Leather for the "Varyag" was made almost twice smaller than the other ships of this displacement. Crump gain while in the cost of bronze and other metals are expensive, but for the economy of such a cruiser turned insufficient maneuverability.
Wanting to save several tons of weight at the expense of anti-shatter armor, Americans have ignored the protection for the guns - on the "Varyag" was not not only gun turrets (as the "Oleg" or "Hercules"), but even boards (as in "Askold"); deck guns were openly. As a result, an hour when the battle Chemulpo "Varyag" lost fragments of Japanese shells killed and wounded more than a hundred people - nearly a quarter of the crew.
On the cruiser was installed during the construction of a defective wireless (this is found in the Port Arthur), and the "Varyag" before the start of the Russian-Japanese War and could not get the competition on radio.
But the biggest problem was the power plant. The Americans have put on the new cruiser steam boilers and insufficiently tested system Niklossa (they were cheaper) instead reliable boiler system Belleville. At first, the novelty has proved excellent, on the tests "Varyag" showed a record at the time the rate of 23, 5 node.
However, a few weeks later, on passing through the ocean, the ship's boilers have started to take. Also revealed serious defects in the machine, some parts of which have been made, as it turned out, because of "poor metal." When the cruiser got to Russia, he was already close to "paralysis" and all attempts of Russian engineers chetyrёhtrubnomu handsome return to its original agility ended in failure.
Upon arrival to the Far East revealed the complete inadequacy of the cruiser to combat service - new ship needed repairs. On sea trials constantly bursting boiler tubes, overheated bearings - machine team after numerous accidents have feared to approach this "miracle of technology overseas." "Varyag" with great difficulty and risk could give a short time of not more than 19 knots, and the recommended speed for it is now only 14 knots.
Complaints poured as from a cornucopia.
According to the vice-admiral P.P.Tyrtova: "What is behind these boilers, which after years of service necessary to change the mass of tubes and forty collectors?»
Vice-Admiral Nikolai Skrydlov, squadron commander, "stoic behavior of the crew commendable. But the youth would not have to mobilize all forces to overcome a simple training program, if the fate of the damned in the face of an American did not put them in the conditions of their incompetence in matters of engineering ».
Output Port Arthur Assumption Commission on the results of the tests: "The cruiser will not go above 20 knots speed without the risk of severe damage to the boilers and machinery».
Dissenting opinion flag I.I.Gippiusa Engineer: "Cruiser hopeless. Straighten that the factory produced faulty - is extremely difficult, if not it is real ».
Charles Crump responded to claims originally: "We need to better themselves to monitor their condition and not blame everything on the plant, who gave a lot of effort and money to create such exceptional fighting qualities of his ship. Russia from my hands got better than I have, and annoyed to hear that the inept handling of the year brought a masterpiece of technical ideas to such a deplorable fate. " This touchy American somehow lost sight of that other new ships, "Russian clumsy" with similar problems not faced, while his "masterpiece" requires a complete replacement of the power plant.
Fit for a non-combatant.
In the context of remote from the metropolitan Port Arthur base to produce a complete replacement of the boilers on the cruiser it was impossible. The commander of the Pacific squadron of Vice-Admiral Stark had sent a request to Kronstadt, will it be possible to bring the "Varyag" from the combat squadron and sent to escort to the Baltic for repair. "The staff told Stark that it would be necessary, of course, but let the cruiser at least one year is involved in a full-fledged combat training" (Captain I rank V.F.Stavinsky.).
And the command of the fleet reconciled with the "Varyag" in the squadron, knowing that a full service scout cruiser made available. First, the ship would send stationeer Yokohama, but because of another crash in the car "Varyag" had to give this place "Askold". And it turned out to be Chemulpo "Varyag" just because other applications defective cruiser simply did not exist. In order to once again not to burden a sick car ship, he gave as a courier gunboat "Korean».
Condition of the power plant "Varyag" is confirmed by such facts.
Before the start of the famous battle English Commodore Bailey, who knew about the state of the mechanical part of the Russian cruiser, offered him "internment under the British flag - as a non-combatant, is not able to participate in combat operations» (!).
The Japanese, who examined the sunken "Varyag", were very surprised. Engineer Arai Uriu Admiral reported that his entire squadron, "an hour could not drown hopelessly defective vehicle." Uriu not be surprised - it's probably he was well known.
Verdict Japanese specialists was harsh: "A birth defect of running systems, multiplied by the combat damage that Russian reserves are too few chances. Rescue work is economically inefficient, and even if his skinny body withstand the overload in the lifting operation, the ship put into operation will not be possible ».
Still cruiser raised at a cost of this operation million yen - at the personal order of the Mikado. At the stern of the "Varyag" have kept his name - as a tribute to the valor of the enemy. Cruiser repaired for a long time, but a full-fledged warship, he never became - "congenital defects" were too serious.
From the above it should be obvious conclusion - no chance of a breakthrough at the invalid "Varyag" with his car was not there. The commander of the cruiser Rudnev knew about it (because, by the way, and went into battle with low-speed "Korean" and not alone), but the honor of an officer of the Russian fleet did not allow him to give up or just sink your ship without firing a shot. What is it calculated? The fact that he could strike the enemy at least some damage (one successful shot can send to the bottom of even the strongest ship) or perhaps on an incredible set of circumstances that will allow him to still do the impossible and escape from the trap.
Only when Rudnev understood that the possibility of resistance have been exhausted, and that the miracle did not happen, he went back to the road Chemulpo to avoid unnecessary loss of command of the cruiser. Possibilities of resistance were really exhausted, "Varyag" has sunk from underwater holes (there were, according to various sources, four or five), so even open the scuttle was no special need.
This fight was a real feat, and "Varyag" is immortalized on merit.
With this clear, but the question remains: how still managed to foist Crump customers substandard goods? It is understood that "can not be fooled - you do not sell!", The well-known Russian proverb accurately reflects the basic principle of trading, but where are the buyers were looking? Look for a woman?
Acceptance of the cruiser was carried out meticulously. Shipyard "Crump" were issued to hundreds of comments. In addition, the selection committee has repeatedly had to stop attempts to hide the marriage deliverers. However, to remove all the comments it was not possible - time is running out, and more (including a problem with the boiler) emerged much later.
Chief of Naval Staff hurried with acceptance of the new cruisers, and also the Russian government avoided the harsh conflict with foreign shipbuilding firms, often showing an unforgivable spineless. Now, if deficiencies were revealed earlier during the construction of the ship ...
Oversaw the construction of the "Varyag" was Captain 1st Rank Vladimir I. Baer, who became the first commander of the new cruiser. He was in Philadelphia two years - from bookmarks "Varyag" to surrender his fleet.
V.I.Ber was a very experienced sailor, sailed for thirty years in two dozens of different warships in the positions of the watch to the chief commander. He owned three foreign languages - English, French and German - was a student of mine officer courses and naval sciences Nikolaev Naval Academy.
Baer showed bordering on cruelty demands on subordinates, not shied away from physical abuse and in relation to the lower ranks, but was able to achieve impressive results. Under his command, the cruiser "Varyag" in Port Arthur took prizes for marksmanship, and the battleship "Oslabya" was the best ship 2nd Pacific squadron of artillery preparation.
And this experienced officer and an ardent campaigner overlooked the glaring flaws in the construction of the cruiser entrusted to him. Why?
As for the engine and boiler parts, here it can be misleading - Baer was nevertheless deck, drill and artillery officer, begins service for another sailing ship, not an engineer for steam power plants. While in case of doubt he could seek the opinion of authoritative experts - this time was enough. But a smaller steering wheel? This is because within its competence! As for the lack of shields on the instruments, it is evident - in the truest sense of the word.
Maybe Baer "gilded handle" Following a very widespread practice? But he himself had commanded the cruiser, and to disentangle all backfired! Besides, among the officers of the Russian fleet floating existed solid idea of honor - in particular, the officers in the vast majority did not believe that everything is sold and bought everything.
As captain of the 1st rank Baer, his devotion to the principles confirmed by the officer's honor so his action: before sending a squadron to the Far East Rozhdestvensky Vladimir I. was asked to remain at Kronstadt, followed by production in the rear admiral. Baer refused and went on board the "Oslabya" to Tsushima.
It looks insolvent and suggested that it might distract from business receptions - Baer did not drink wine. And yet it has been one of the valiant officer weakness.
Vladimir I. was already fifty, but he remained a bachelor, though he never, in his own words, "never missed an opportunity to split the company with the ladies of our circle." Nothing, perhaps, could not choose among the many single women wife and leave it at that ...
Baer confirmed passionate loving nickname given to him by Admiral Rozhdestvensky - "Lustful bitch." And not without significance the fact that it was given the nickname is Rozhdestvensky. "The hero of Tsushima" he was very fond of the female sex - during the transition 2nd squadron to the Far East "native" mistress of Admiral, older sister floating hospital "Eagle" Sievers, took on the flagship battleship "Suvorov" with great fanfare. She was greeted with champagne, then she would be alone with Rozhdestvensky in his admiral's cabin.
So nickname given Baer Rozhdestvensky, testifies about the typical male envy of Don Juan to the other - thus Rozhestvensky recognized that the commander "Oslabya" far outstripped its admiral in the sport.
Therefore, it seems very likely that the "Cause" Varyag "involved a woman (or even one). Knowing this weakness Baer, cunning Americans could easily pick up a couple of spirited young women in order to oversee the construction of the cruiser Russian officer less would be interested in the progress of construction works and structural features of the ship, preferring a thorough examination of other "design features", hidden under her blouse skirts and glamorous American.
Reliable information about the amorous exploits of Captain 1st Rank Baer in Philadelphia in 1899-1901 not, however, this assumption seems logical enough.
But even if Vladimir I. Baer and responsible (indirectly) in the construction of low-quality "Varyag", then this guilt, he is more than atoned for his heroic death on the battleship "Oslabya" in the battle of Tsushima. Captain 1st rank Baer was on the bridge of his ship shot, commanding sail from the sinking of the battleship sailors: "Then from the sides! Hell, you delay the whirlpool! Then sail! ".
Dead shame no shame ...
Vladimir The Counter.

But it is necessary to pay attention to real events related with this heroic story.
Cruiser new type
At the end of the XIX century Navy Russia increases rapidly changed quantitatively and qualitatively. In operation, one by one entered the new ships to meet the new demands of the war at sea. Due to the heavy workload of domestic shipyards number of orders placed abroad in France built battleship "Tsarevich" and the cruiser "Bayan", in Germany - the cruiser "Askold", "Novik" and "Hercules" in America - the battleship "Retvizan" and cruiser "Varyag».
Cruiser type of "Bogatyr" is a development of the cruisers of the "Pallas": the transition from "pure" intelligence and "fighters trade" to the ships, capable to fight in the squadron (including armored ships against the enemy).
These new cruisers differed from their predecessors of high speed running and much more powerful artillery weapons. As the main fire on them have been installed 152-mm rapid-fire gun, represents a serious threat even to battleships. The efficiency of these instruments has been proven in the recent Sino-Japanese war and was confirmed in the Russian-Japanese: in the battles at Chemulpo and in the Yellow Sea Russian light cruiser "Varyag" and "Askold" caused serious damage to his armored enemies "Asama" and "Yakumo".
"Varyag" was laid on May 10, 1899 at the shipyard plant "Charles William Cramp and Sons" in Philadelphia, launched on November 1, 1899, in January 1901 he became part of the Russian fleet and 3 May of the same year arrived in Kronstadt. Cruiser was intended to reinforce the Pacific squadron, and so soon traveled to the Far East.
"Varyag" impression. "Outwardly, he was more like a ocean yacht, rather than the battle cruiser. The phenomenon of "Varyag" Kronstadt has been arranged as a spectacular sight. To the sound of a military band at the Grand Raid she entered sleek cruiser in front of dazzling white color. And the morning sun reflected in the nickel-plated gun barrel of the main fire. May 18, acquainted with the "Varyag" came the Emperor Nicholas II. The king was captivated - he even simple assembly builder some flaws "(R.Melnikov).
"In Copenhagen, I was waiting for a new cruiser - creating perfect however, and so tragic. Rare beauty combined it with exceptional training, the enthusiastic crew met his Empress of all the rules of etiquette, manners of his officers were impeccable. He gives a wonderful feeling of restrained strict confidence and strength ... "(Empress Maria Feodorovna on the" Varyag »).
But what is hidden under the elegant appearance of the new ship? What are these "some assembly flaws" simply enchanted Crump Russian autocrat? And what does the word Maria Feodorovna: "Among the ranks of the suite there are rumors that an American who built this perfect miracle deceived the Russian fleet, and if the cruiser has some damage and almost hopeless. I do not know whether it is true they say, but in this case he keeps stoically: for a three-day visit I was not able to notice any signs of the crew familiar with the technical malfunctions bustle and anxiety "?

Under a patent wrapper
Alas, "who walked among the ranks of the suite rumors" were more than justified - indeed Crump passed Russian fleet a real marriage. The new cruiser was considered experimental, the terms of reference have been formulated only in general terms, that opens the door for the "rationalization of thought." And the firm of Charles Crump tried, trying in every way to save money, to get the maximum financial benefit.
Leather for the "Varyag" was made almost twice smaller than the other ships of this displacement. Crump gain while in the cost of bronze and other metals are expensive, but for the economy of such a cruiser turned insufficient maneuverability.
Wanting to save several tons of weight at the expense of anti-shatter armor, Americans have ignored the protection for the guns - on the "Varyag" was not not only gun turrets (as the "Oleg" or "Hercules"), but even boards (as in "Askold"); deck guns were openly. As a result, an hour when the battle Chemulpo "Varyag" lost fragments of Japanese shells killed and wounded more than a hundred people - nearly a quarter of the crew.
On the cruiser was installed during the construction of a defective wireless (this is found in the Port Arthur), and the "Varyag" before the start of the Russian-Japanese War and could not get the competition on radio.
But the biggest problem was the power plant. The Americans have put on the new cruiser steam boilers and insufficiently tested system Niklossa (they were cheaper) instead reliable boiler system Belleville. At first, the novelty has proved excellent, on the tests "Varyag" showed a record at the time the rate of 23, 5 node.
However, a few weeks later, on passing through the ocean, the ship's boilers have started to take. Also revealed serious defects in the machine, some parts of which have been made, as it turned out, because of "poor metal." When the cruiser got to Russia, he was already close to "paralysis" and all attempts of Russian engineers chetyrёhtrubnomu handsome return to its original agility ended in failure.
Upon arrival to the Far East revealed the complete inadequacy of the cruiser to combat service - new ship needed repairs. On sea trials constantly bursting boiler tubes, overheated bearings - machine team after numerous accidents have feared to approach this "miracle of technology overseas." "Varyag" with great difficulty and risk could give a short time of not more than 19 knots, and the recommended speed for it is now only 14 knots.
Complaints poured as from a cornucopia.
According to the vice-admiral P.P.Tyrtova: "What is behind these boilers, which after years of service necessary to change the mass of tubes and forty collectors?»
Vice-Admiral Nikolai Skrydlov, squadron commander, "stoic behavior of the crew commendable. But the youth would not have to mobilize all forces to overcome a simple training program, if the fate of the damned in the face of an American did not put them in the conditions of their incompetence in matters of engineering ».
Output Port Arthur Assumption Commission on the results of the tests: "The cruiser will not go above 20 knots speed without the risk of severe damage to the boilers and machinery».
Dissenting opinion flag I.I.Gippiusa Engineer: "Cruiser hopeless. Straighten that the factory produced faulty - is extremely difficult, if not it is real ».
Charles Crump responded to claims originally: "We need to better themselves to monitor their condition and not blame everything on the plant, who gave a lot of effort and money to create such exceptional fighting qualities of his ship. Russia from my hands got better than I have, and annoyed to hear that the inept handling of the year brought a masterpiece of technical ideas to such a deplorable fate. " This touchy American somehow lost sight of that other new ships, "Russian clumsy" with similar problems not faced, while his "masterpiece" requires a complete replacement of the power plant.
Fit for a non-combatant.
In the context of remote from the metropolitan Port Arthur base to produce a complete replacement of the boilers on the cruiser it was impossible. The commander of the Pacific squadron of Vice-Admiral Stark had sent a request to Kronstadt, will it be possible to bring the "Varyag" from the combat squadron and sent to escort to the Baltic for repair. "The staff told Stark that it would be necessary, of course, but let the cruiser at least one year is involved in a full-fledged combat training" (Captain I rank V.F.Stavinsky.).
And the command of the fleet reconciled with the "Varyag" in the squadron, knowing that a full service scout cruiser made available. First, the ship would send stationeer Yokohama, but because of another crash in the car "Varyag" had to give this place "Askold". And it turned out to be Chemulpo "Varyag" just because other applications defective cruiser simply did not exist. In order to once again not to burden a sick car ship, he gave as a courier gunboat "Korean».
Condition of the power plant "Varyag" is confirmed by such facts.
Before the start of the famous battle English Commodore Bailey, who knew about the state of the mechanical part of the Russian cruiser, offered him "internment under the British flag - as a non-combatant, is not able to participate in combat operations» (!).
The Japanese, who examined the sunken "Varyag", were very surprised. Engineer Arai Uriu Admiral reported that his entire squadron, "an hour could not drown hopelessly defective vehicle." Uriu not be surprised - it's probably he was well known.
Verdict Japanese specialists was harsh: "A birth defect of running systems, multiplied by the combat damage that Russian reserves are too few chances. Rescue work is economically inefficient, and even if his skinny body withstand the overload in the lifting operation, the ship put into operation will not be possible ».
Still cruiser raised at a cost of this operation million yen - at the personal order of the Mikado. At the stern of the "Varyag" have kept his name - as a tribute to the valor of the enemy. Cruiser repaired for a long time, but a full-fledged warship, he never became - "congenital defects" were too serious.
From the above it should be obvious conclusion - no chance of a breakthrough at the invalid "Varyag" with his car was not there. The commander of the cruiser Rudnev knew about it (because, by the way, and went into battle with low-speed "Korean" and not alone), but the honor of an officer of the Russian fleet did not allow him to give up or just sink your ship without firing a shot. What is it calculated? The fact that he could strike the enemy at least some damage (one successful shot can send to the bottom of even the strongest ship) or perhaps on an incredible set of circumstances that will allow him to still do the impossible and escape from the trap.
Only when Rudnev understood that the possibility of resistance have been exhausted, and that the miracle did not happen, he went back to the road Chemulpo to avoid unnecessary loss of command of the cruiser. Possibilities of resistance were really exhausted, "Varyag" has sunk from underwater holes (there were, according to various sources, four or five), so even open the scuttle was no special need.
This fight was a real feat, and "Varyag" is immortalized on merit.
With this clear, but the question remains: how still managed to foist Crump customers substandard goods? It is understood that "can not be fooled - you do not sell!", The well-known Russian proverb accurately reflects the basic principle of trading, but where are the buyers were looking? Look for a woman?
Acceptance of the cruiser was carried out meticulously. Shipyard "Crump" were issued to hundreds of comments. In addition, the selection committee has repeatedly had to stop attempts to hide the marriage deliverers. However, to remove all the comments it was not possible - time is running out, and more (including a problem with the boiler) emerged much later.
Chief of Naval Staff hurried with acceptance of the new cruisers, and also the Russian government avoided the harsh conflict with foreign shipbuilding firms, often showing an unforgivable spineless. Now, if deficiencies were revealed earlier during the construction of the ship ...
Oversaw the construction of the "Varyag" was Captain 1st Rank Vladimir I. Baer, who became the first commander of the new cruiser. He was in Philadelphia two years - from bookmarks "Varyag" to surrender his fleet.
V.I.Ber was a very experienced sailor, sailed for thirty years in two dozens of different warships in the positions of the watch to the chief commander. He owned three foreign languages - English, French and German - was a student of mine officer courses and naval sciences Nikolaev Naval Academy.
Baer showed bordering on cruelty demands on subordinates, not shied away from physical abuse and in relation to the lower ranks, but was able to achieve impressive results. Under his command, the cruiser "Varyag" in Port Arthur took prizes for marksmanship, and the battleship "Oslabya" was the best ship 2nd Pacific squadron of artillery preparation.
And this experienced officer and an ardent campaigner overlooked the glaring flaws in the construction of the cruiser entrusted to him. Why?
As for the engine and boiler parts, here it can be misleading - Baer was nevertheless deck, drill and artillery officer, begins service for another sailing ship, not an engineer for steam power plants. While in case of doubt he could seek the opinion of authoritative experts - this time was enough. But a smaller steering wheel? This is because within its competence! As for the lack of shields on the instruments, it is evident - in the truest sense of the word.
Maybe Baer "gilded handle" Following a very widespread practice? But he himself had commanded the cruiser, and to disentangle all backfired! Besides, among the officers of the Russian fleet floating existed solid idea of honor - in particular, the officers in the vast majority did not believe that everything is sold and bought everything.
As captain of the 1st rank Baer, his devotion to the principles confirmed by the officer's honor so his action: before sending a squadron to the Far East Rozhdestvensky Vladimir I. was asked to remain at Kronstadt, followed by production in the rear admiral. Baer refused and went on board the "Oslabya" to Tsushima.
It looks insolvent and suggested that it might distract from business receptions - Baer did not drink wine. And yet it has been one of the valiant officer weakness.
Vladimir I. was already fifty, but he remained a bachelor, though he never, in his own words, "never missed an opportunity to split the company with the ladies of our circle." Nothing, perhaps, could not choose among the many single women wife and leave it at that ...
Baer confirmed passionate loving nickname given to him by Admiral Rozhdestvensky - "Lustful bitch." And not without significance the fact that it was given the nickname is Rozhdestvensky. "The hero of Tsushima" he was very fond of the female sex - during the transition 2nd squadron to the Far East "native" mistress of Admiral, older sister floating hospital "Eagle" Sievers, took on the flagship battleship "Suvorov" with great fanfare. She was greeted with champagne, then she would be alone with Rozhdestvensky in his admiral's cabin.
So nickname given Baer Rozhdestvensky, testifies about the typical male envy of Don Juan to the other - thus Rozhestvensky recognized that the commander "Oslabya" far outstripped its admiral in the sport.
Therefore, it seems very likely that the "Cause" Varyag "involved a woman (or even one). Knowing this weakness Baer, cunning Americans could easily pick up a couple of spirited young women in order to oversee the construction of the cruiser Russian officer less would be interested in the progress of construction works and structural features of the ship, preferring a thorough examination of other "design features", hidden under her blouse skirts and glamorous American.
Reliable information about the amorous exploits of Captain 1st Rank Baer in Philadelphia in 1899-1901 not, however, this assumption seems logical enough.
But even if Vladimir I. Baer and responsible (indirectly) in the construction of low-quality "Varyag", then this guilt, he is more than atoned for his heroic death on the battleship "Oslabya" in the battle of Tsushima. Captain 1st rank Baer was on the bridge of his ship shot, commanding sail from the sinking of the battleship sailors: "Then from the sides! Hell, you delay the whirlpool! Then sail! ".
Dead shame no shame ...
Vladimir The Counter.
